
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:25:49
钱鹤滩明日歌表达的思想感情 钱鹤滩的明日歌主要意思是什么? Nick likes geography and history.(改为一般疑问句) ________ Nick ________ geography and history?可以填does like ,可是那样就会使这个句子后面有毛病,在疑问句中,and不都要换成or的吗? Allen likes playing football 改为一般疑问句 ‘‘father’’ 相同类型的词有几个? son的相对应词是father还是daughter?father的对应词呢? big的反义词,father的对应词. 名著《飘》的读后感!英文的 peter has a watch. 改为一般疑问句 急急急. she has a sister 改为疑问句 英语单词father and mother的同义词 father and mother的同义词是什么? 祝感恩节快乐——英文怎么写? These are my father and mother.改为同义词 lilys father and mother are at home today(同义词) 英语作文:My childhood 可用的词:studied played learned sung danced went开头:When I was nine years oldI.Now. learned(对应词)您好!learned(对应词)是什么? 英语翻译 A.Mr B.father C.son D.mother 找出不同类的词 英语翻译认真一点,翻译的正确性很重要 When I see the happiness of others and could not bear to hurt yourself,you know?I'm a loser.I do not deserve love.我一段时间我没陪他 他狠伤心 他打K了 打针了 我怎么办 找出不同类的词.1.A:son B:daughter C:father D:baby 谁帮忙son(对应词)___?father(对应词)___?she(形容词性物主代词)___? 相片中的相读音是什么? Happy mid-autumn The African Ghost FishOne evening,grandad said,‘I once had a friend called day.His first name was Henry,but everyone called him Happy.Happy Day made a very good living.He travelled widely and when he came to a place that he liked,he opened a pet sh the african ghost fish翻译 英语翻译after happy tell his customers this story,his fish tanks sell veryquickly when happy sells out of fish tanks he usually leaves foranother townare his customers?we asked yes they are complettely satisfied he has rarely received a complanin The African Ghost Fish 的复述One evening,grandad said,‘I once had a friend called day.His first name was Henry,but everyone called him Happy.Happy Day made a very good living.He travelled widely and when he came to a place that he liked,he opene the african ghost fish The African Ghost FishOne evening,grandad said,‘I once had a friend called day.His first name was Henry,but everyone called him Happy.Happy Day made a very good living.He travelled widely and when he came to a place that he l ·陈情表 ·本文 是怎么样将 陈情于事、寓理喻情 融为一体的? ( )you turn down your radio, piease? Yes, I can.前面的疑问词用哪个(A.may B.need C.must D.can)