
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:13:13
第一题是改错,第二题是首字母.1、There are all kinds of wonderful books there.2、She s_____me a______and tells me a lolt about the school. 铂电阻pt100在protues中的代号是?图片左下角圆盘状元件在protues中的代号 protues中,下图这个ST188是什么?代号?如果没有能用什么代替吗? The river is ___.A.twenty meters wide B.wide twenty meters C.twenty-meter wide D.wide twenty-meter get on 和 get off 的区别词组区分 I can because I think I can .Keep on going ,never.Actioins speak louder than the words.汉语意思 前句怎么提问,回答是Because it kan help me keep fit . can,swimming,keep,heart,your,fit,连接成通顺的句子 they will make a plan about the activity对mahe a plan about the activity提问 那里能找个能用的protues啊 ? this is the third time that they have g____ for a discussion about their new plan 那个G开头的是什 —How long ________ you ________ in the country with your grandparents,Henry?—About four weeks.I'll return as soon as school starts.A.are; staying B.did; stayC.do; stay D.had; stayed I really don't know how to ___the problem?(处理) We really don't know how we should solve the problem 改为同义句 We really don't know _____ _____ _____ the problem. in,the,is,most,subject,difficult.连词成句Lisa,next,month,go,vacation,will,on. 想做个诗歌专题,想选拜伦或雪莱或济慈的诗由于要分板块,没个板块以一句诗为主题,各位觉得哪位诗人的比较好,理由?或者觉得其他的好,也可以说说 Do you know the s_______ to the problem? 千里之堤溃于蚁穴是谁说的? 为什么千里之堤会溃于蚁穴 I didn't know the way___ you told me to solve the maths problem.I didn't know the way___ you told me to solve the maths problem.A.which B.that C.where D.A&B参考答案为D.理解为tell sb (the way)即主句的the way先行词在从句用which 千里之堤 溃于蚁穴说明什么 请帮我找几首外国诗人的诗,要拜伦、歌德、雪莱、普希金、泰戈尔、海涅的各一首,著名一点的~谢 我太热了,我可以打开窗户吗?翻译 measure 与methoud,way用法的不同 method,way与measure在用法上有什么区别? measure表推测时的用法,再就是—ing时的意思是什么?具体的句子在人教版必修3第5单元里It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall,some measuring over 90 metres.It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall,s 千里之堤 溃于蚁穴千里之堤,溃于蚁穴的意思. “以” “之” “其” Mr li is popular______ the students_______ our school survey measure区别用法如题 which of the following has the same meaning as the sentence"He doesn't agree to every view if his"?A:He agrees to none of his views.B:He agrees to all of his views.C:He agrees to any of his views.D:He agrees to some of his views. 1、pick out the sentences in which the following words are used with the same meaning as they ha...1、pick out the sentences in which the following words are used with the same meaning as they have in the text .thy to guess what they mean in the ot