
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:26:35
请教新概念第二册第一课中at的发音各位朋友好;新概念第二册第一课中有这样一个句子:I looked at the man and the woman angrily我在听英音85版和97版的录音的时候没听到at的发音.听了很多遍,难道 the speech which he made concerning the project has been very encouraging分析一下这个句子,并流畅翻译 we saw him come 变为被动语态 ( )was ( ) ( ) come 要按这种形式改 john and I will watch TV next week.=John ___ watch TV=John ____watch TV ____ ____. have a stomachache 改为被动1I saw him go into the classrom.2did he buy you the book you wanted?第一句,He was seen to go into the classsrom.he was seen go into the classroom.he was seen going into the classro0m.哪个对 英语翻译缺月挂疏桐,漏断人初静.谁见幽人独往来?缥缈孤鸿影.惊起却回头,有恨无人省.拣尽寒枝不肯栖,寂寞沙洲冷. 英语翻译 在四边形ABCD中,∠DAB、∠ABC的平分线相交于点E.求证∠AEB=二分之一(∠C+∠D)RT Since the day was fine,I made the suggestion _____a through cleaning to the house.A we give B we will give C that we give D that we will give 答案: C She didn't reach the top of the mountain.Her brother didn't reach it,either.合并为一句:( ) ( ) ( ) her brother reached the top of the mountain.如果是 neither of she and 就变为四个空了,所以我也没招了………… He finally ______ in reaching the top of the mountain.a、achieved b、managed c、succeeding d、enabled They (succeed)in reaching the top of the mThey (succeed)in reaching the top of the mountain yesterday. 急得xxxx(填成语) 如图所示,四边形ABCD的对角线AC、BD相交于点O,△ABC≌△BAD求证:(1)OA=OB:(2)AB‖CD(图形是一个梯形,上面两个顶点(从左到右)分别为D、C,下面为A、B对角线为DB、CA,相交于点O 英语语法问题:then有一本教科书上写的 XXXXXX.Then I go to bad.注:XXXX指的是一句完整的话,以句号结尾的.后面紧接着用了Then,我好像看过一起英语语法讲座,Then仅仅是意思上的连接作用,而并不是 在四边形ABCD中,∠BAD与∠ABC的平分线交于一点E,若∠C=80°,∠D=120°,求∠AEB的度数 pick plant live see clean 过去式 将来时 正在进行时The workers made_______computers.A many B much lily is very ___(happy ) ,but lucy is much ___ ( happy ) than It's saide ___ is very beautiful 摇摇欲坠、月光如水造句 把Lucy,is Lily in?改为同义句:Is Lily ____ ____ ,Lucy? Lucy和Lily一样细心.Lucy is _____ _____ _____Lily. I will travel____the sea and ____space.Aon,in Bin,on Cover,into Dover,to 英语选择题并说明理由 单词的中文解释“第一人称单数现在时”比较简明的意思是什么?amam不及物动词 vi.1.(用于第一人称单数现在时)是[L]I am a college student.简单地说“第一人称单数现在时”是什么 3.In the after-class activities,the studebts have plenty of______and get lots of practical_______.A practices;experirnce Bexercise; experirncesC practice; experirnce Dexercises; experirnces “一段刻骨铭心,一场XXXX”最后要成语、最后一个X要以i结尾最好是关于爱情的、、、、哪位高人指点一下 带爱的成语有哪些成语 on the 最好带上例句 Now we can fly to HongKong.There was a time --we had to take a boutA how B what C why D when 选哪个,为什么? teach的现在分词 teach的现在分词和过去分词分别是什么