
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 22:41:47
turmoil是什么意思 英语翻译"We interrupt live coverage of the Mars mission launch from Dongfeng to go to Beijing for the Oscars ceremony.As viewers are no doubt aware,this is the first time the award ceremony has been held outside the US.Nominated for best films fo Who is she waiting for?这样说对吗 新概念英语第二册第十一课的语法是什么 新概念英语第二册20课:why is fishing the writer's favourite sport.为什么不能写成:why fishing is the writer's favourite sport. 翻译One man’s terrorists are another man’s freedom fighters 在这个英语句子中,in为什么换用wear?who is the boy in the red dress? I can swim.改同义句I can football同义句 I will sing和I can swim改同义句. With his help ,I can swim 同义句 应准备哪些工具书? 找一本人教版6年级语文工具书!有几点要求 1.每一课作者等都要详细 2.每一自然段都分析的很仔细 3.每一个单元作文呀,日积月累呀,等都要很仔细.(我满意以后会再加20悬赏) 人教版八年级下语文工具书选哪本好? 英语翻译 Get a hold of yourself. 为什么这里的be动词用is而不是are?我在外研版七年级上册的书s18中看到:-Dad,what's your favourite food?-My favourite food is eggs.为何这里不用are呢?是泛指蛋吗 Mary said it had been foolish with me to make such a blunder.问为什么 用with? Sb had been said love as fly kite,It's very mind easier with regret of lover,but sb forget tell me 描写人物的作文,非常急用~写老师的,要有具体事件, 请问:系动词is单独用,能否做谓语?原句:One of the many fears expressed about computers and the internet is that they will reduce the time people spend with each other.1.主句is做什么成分?2.接上问,此句是宾语从句?表语 have is 是实义动词 和 There ___________ a lot of birds in the park.a.is b.have c.are d.has ACCA F2中,cost objects,cost units,cost centres有啥子区别啊?如题,我觉得那些definitions看起来都很模糊.例子也莫名其妙的.THX. 你的朋友在电话里说要找你.Translate it into EnglishPlease provide a better answer and explain in mandarin.What is the difference among (1),(2),and (3)?1)Your friend want to talk to you on phone.2)Your friend wnat to speak to you on phone.3 You should tell him what you () yesterday.是用see还是用saw 德语学习.关于形容词对格的支配.alt只能支配第四格.那为什么我们可以说:Er ist alter Man.本同学是用手机上的,所以只有补充了,形容词支配第二格:Dieser Junge ist des Diebstahls verdchtig.这个小伙子 德语学习,这个动词要不要后置?Ich finde Frau Zimmermann besonders nett,weil sie eine gerechte Lehrerin ist und gibt gerechte Noten .后面那个gibt要不要后置啊? 动词所支配的格人三物四的动词有什么特点?有什么规律?是不是在汉语中翻译成我给谁怎么样(如我给XX展示XX,我带XX给XX)的这种都是人三物四动词啊还能再举几个这种动词吗,要常用的, 填动词什么的魅力 在中级金融会计中,carrying amount是什么意思 请问carrying amount 和 residual value的区别 财务方面的carrying amount的意思?整句话为:These reductions in carrying amounts shall be treated as impairment losses on individual assets.其中的“carrying amount”是什么意思呢?