
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:06:36
Ask a English questionThe old man,____abroad for twenty years,is on the way back to his montherland.为什么不填to have worked而填having worked? an English grammar question.wherever it went,it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits.(it 在这里是指puma)这句话来自新概念英语第三册.it left behind it .感觉这个表达方式很奇怪, 丝绸之路对当今社会发挥的作用,初中试题 丝绸之路这条通道是在哪一事件后开通的,在当时发挥了什么作用 古丝绸之路重要作用? 观察期间你们说话必须小声点you must_____ ____ ____during the watch.中译英 (中译英)you must ____ ____ ____during the watch.观察期间你们说话必须小声点. Watch out the steps as you go in.改 湖心亭看雪,表现了作者什么样的生活情趣 Ask a question中国一些历史悠久的中药店,都喜欢叫“某某堂药店",象“同仁堂”、“九芝堂”、“达仁堂”……那么,人们是为了纪念哪位医生才这么叫的呢? 学英语真的有那么难吗 学英语真的有这么难吗? Access Error:Access Denied You have not logged in and therefore cannto access this page.This probAccess Error:Access DeniedYou have not logged in and therefore cannto access this page.This problem could occur if you have logged in but have disabled c 简单的语法:please pay attention to that picture on the wallon the wall 在这里做后置定语还是地点状语 please pay attention () the questions . There is ()"h"in the word 'dishonest"please pay attention 状元及第怎么样 are those tomatoes肯定回答是什么 补全对话,每空一词 Where ______ the twins yesterday?The older _____at home and the younger _____ at school.What about you?I _____ ii in the bed.Oh,l am very sorry to ______ that.l hope you _____ better today.And what ______ you _______ for sup 如题.honey,I love you.中的honey是主谓宾定状补的哪个成分?另外 why didn't you call me?这句又该另外 why didn't you call me?这句又该如何划分 主谓宾 operational envelope中文什么意思?这个是专业术语,用于军用飞机隐型技术中. envelope什么意思? 中华民族从唐朝到现在的光辉历史有哪些民族从唐朝到现在的光辉历史有哪些?急用,好的话我给分 唐朝和现代 哪个时代辉煌一些民族文化 国际影响力 方面 还有人才方面 airmail的意思 There are ------children in the primary school.A,too much.B ,lots of.C,few.D,little He___for an hour but didn't___much A spoke speak B said say C said speak D spoke sayWhat do you think of his talk? you Why didn"t you an swer my call 唐朝的兵役制度具体程序就是,是怎麽执行及监督的 求下联 荷叶莲蓬藕 《荷叶莲蓬藕》下一句对联是什么?J8卵子毛 蚌孕育了珍珠,取出珍珠后蚌还能活吗?或是还能继续孕育珍珠吗?