
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:27:26
An eyewitness account of a traffic accident 中account的词性 词义? account of 这个词在 an eye witness account of a traffic accident 中的意思是什么? pedestrians account for a considerable proportion of traffic-accident culprits; 求问what does Mike have中的do为什么加es 请问这句话英语怎么说比较合适?以上价格依据设计重量计算,最终的价格根据实际的重量计算. "最为人们所关注的是..." 用英语怎么说啊? 这句话用英语怎么说最合适?你做完手上做的事儿了吗?“手上做的事儿” 我觉得thing 不对 affair 也不合适 issue 还是不行应该用什么才合适? 意思是“看”的词语,如:瞟 打量 目不转睛越多越好 照样子写出表示”看“的词语 瞟 打量 目不转睛 照样子写词语 瞟 打量 目不转睛 欢呼 视 if he (hadn't hurt) legs in the last training ,he (would take part in) the coming World Cup.这句话为什么不用if had done would have done?有这种用法吗 yes,the woman was s() at last,but th boy hurt his legs and arms,首字母填空. 英语翻译Hiermit nehme ich zur Kenntnis,dass ich nach der Online-Buchung zeitnah eine Bestätigungs-SMS erhalte.Bis zu dieser SMS fällt der normale Datenpreis von 24 Cent pro MB an. Remember to take an umbrella with you,Lucy 改句子( )( )to take an umbrella with you,Lucy. 短时间大略看一下的词语和抬头向上看的词语和低头向下看的词语和目不转睛的看的词语一定要两个字的! 1 向远处看 ( ) 2 向上看( ) 3 向下看() 4 向四周看()( )中只填一个字 She often ___ new words in the dictionary. It's a good habit.a.looks after b.looks down c.looks up d.looks out She often ___(repeat)my words. 四级难不难英语 猜词"pick out from a great number"C开头的, to pick out form a greater number 的同义词有用C开头的吗 曾经遗失的美好英文翻译 遗失的美好英语写呢? 如今的生活比以前舒服多了.Life is much easier than__________________(字数不限. 一道英语选择题_______I saw her,I fell in love with her._______I saw her,I fell in love with her.A.For the first time B.At the first timeC.The first time D.From the first time I fell in love with English ,are you enjoying English ,too啥意思? It's so kind _____ you to be kind ___ me.A of of B of to Cto to Dfor to 选B 说明理由 to set the straightto set the record straight I'll deman a re-count on Monday and set the record straight.其中的deman a re-count I'll deman a re-count on Monday and set the record straight.deman a re-count Benjaming Hall is____.A.a man who built Big Ben B.a man who always very funnyC.the man burnt down the old clockD.a man who took part in the meeting which was held to make a name for the big clock 英语翻译我翻译的“我始终带着你爱的微笑,一路上寻找我遗失的美好”:Always with the smile you like on my face,I'm looking for the beauty I have lost 请问哪里不合适,应该怎样修改 德约科维奇Novak Djokovic这个名字英语怎么念啊