
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:56:13
mostly =in the main =mainly 对吗, 致美丽的你里面 车恩杰的短信铃声“that‘s message,that‘s message“ 要清晰版 it's raining hard we ()stay in the classroom1,must2,have to为什么不选1 求致美丽的你里面车恩杰的短信铃声"that's message,that's message" 要清晰版的 that whispered message 怎么翻译呢 大清“军机处”与“内阁”的区别 清朝军机处代替了内阁了吗?还有为什么说军机处提高了办事效率?军机处执行职务的流程是怎样的? About seventy percent of the students _______in playing computer gamesAbout seventy percent of the students _______in playing computer gamesA show interest B shows interestC show interests D is interested I shall wait---you-----No.2bus stop----9o'clock.a.for;in;at b.for;at;at c.of;at;at d.on;under;in 初中英语About seventy percent of the students _______in playing computer gamesAbout seventy percent of the students _______in playing computer gamesA show interest B shows interestC show interests D is interested It's half past nine in the morning on Monday,the school children are ____A.getting up B.having classesC.having lunch D.going home mainly和mostly why you delect your message什么意思 心窗是什么意思 1.I'm afraid I can't help you now,for I have a lot of tasks ___.A)in hands .B)at hand ; C)at hands D)by hand .2.While ___the River,he saw a ship sinking..A) he is crossing B) crossing C) he was crossed .D) crossed '3.Keep these___ to yourself.They ar 1.他通常坐公交车上班去.(2种都写).2.All the students ______(be) here.3.All food here _____(be1.他通常坐公交车上班去.(2种都写).2.All the students ______(be) here.3.All food here _____(be) delicioccs.4.去他 Each of the students-here now中间的一条横我不知道该填什么 清朝康熙时的 南书房 有什么作用啊? 南书房 议政王大臣会议 六部,内阁 军机处 四个按照时间的顺序排列均是在清朝设立的 when Mike wsa four, he was able to rides the bike.怎样改错 两周后他就能骑自行车了 英文是Two weeks later he was able to ride a bike,两周后不是将来时吗?为什么用了was? 改错He should have gone out because nobody was found in his house because he can‘t find his school Campus Card应该是:Jack can’t buy his lunch because he can‘t find his school__________.词组填空 I can't find nobody怎么解释这是我在一篇英语文章上看到的,根据上下文应该是“我找不到人”,Google翻译与此相同。 新三民主义 与旧三民主义 的区别 扒窗的意思是什么啊 旧三民主义的形成和新三民主义形成的差别 单句改错 题 You may ask the women over there that how you can get the airpot单句改错 题 You may ask the women over there that how you can get to the airpot 旧三民主义和新三民主义的区别. 英语翻译卢浮宫世界艺术珍品的殿堂,在那里能参观人类艺术珍宝,亲自体验达芬奇密码里的故事情节. 翻译成英语:卢浮宫 谁可以帮我写篇what a small world的文章,长一点