
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 08:23:34
草坪杂草的防治原则是什么 向心力F什么时候等于mg+Fn 什么时候等于Fn-mg ... We often make snowmen in winter.变为一般疑问句 in winter we often make ( )and throw them A.snowballs B.snowmen C.a snowball D.snowman grass是可数还是不可名词?如果它做主语是要说the grass is还是the grass are呢 May I have a word with you ______ of the lesson 防治杂草的原理是什么? The worker is eating a hamburger .用what 提问 she thought life in the small town was monotonous.省略that了?做主语也省略? 小麦田的主要杂草有哪些? 田间杂草与小麦之间属于什么关系? 在MINECRAFT1.4里小麦在哪?找不到野草. She thought life in the small town was monotonous.分析下结构 She knew the girl was getting bader and doctor thought the girl might die.改正句子中的错误、谢谢啦~ the life insurance policy she thought was in place was not and she was worried.请分析下句子结构 乒乓球和安全帽采用的是 结构.这样可以承受较大的压力. live on the coke side of the life是哪一年的广告语 I'd like to have中的to have能否省略?I'd like to have some local wine.I'd like some local wine.这两句话的意思是否一样?to have 是否可省略? I'd like to 和 I'd like to have 的区别Did you go to see the football match in the stadium?______, but my brother called on me.A. I'd like to B. I'd like to haveD. I like to为什么这道题的答案是B尤其是A和B好像都有我想去的意 钢衬四氟管都有哪几种啊? 把下列英语改成感叹句~1.mary plays volleyball very well___ ___mary plays volleyball!2.it is a very interesting story___ ___ interesting story it is!3.the garden is so beautiful___ ____the garden is!4.these rooms are very clean___ ___ ___they 钢衬四氟管的组成部分谁知道啊? he can make the bed变一般疑问句 宾馆里有一座电梯的最大载重量这两名服务员的体重分别为60千克和80千克,货物每箱质量为50千克.问他们每次最多只能搬运货物多少箱.用一元一次不等式 I can make the bed.改为一般疑问句 I have {math and music} on Mondays.{ }部分提问There is a school near my house.变否定句 英语I have hamburgers for b(后面填什么) we will have a party .i'd like to i 孔雀东南飞的一些题目!1.作者在写刘兰芝精心打扮时使用了什么表现手法?请从课文中再举一例2.作者写刘兰芝的“严妆”突出了她什么样的性格特点?作者这样写有什么用意?3.请简要分析刘兰 Lucy's brother is ( ) ( ) ( ) my sister (改为同义句) 有两堆煤,第一煤的三分二与第二堆的五分之一一样重,第二堆煤重60吨,第一堆煤重多少吨? 用元素符号表示酸溶液中的阳离子如上 《古诗为焦仲卿妻作》中的题目1、"乐府”本是汉武帝时设立的___机构.它的职责是采集民间歌谣或文人的诗来配乐,已被朝廷之用.它所搜集整理的诗歌,后世就叫“___"或简称“___".2、《孔雀东