
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:16:11
英语翻译1.有较强的组织能力活动策划能力和交际能力,参加本地电台广播多次.自己策划方案.2.有较强的语言表达能力,如:曾多次作为代表,在大型活动中发言.3.有较强的团队精神在同学中,有 "how have you how have you been?你一向可好?这里的have是什么动词?实义动词?肯定不是~行为动词?是什么?助动词?还有这里been里做何解?表示一直以来么?是什么词性? 英语:我需要进一步了解这些课程.I need to ______ ______ more about these courses. 急求高级口译听力教程的4个sample test的MP3和高级口译教程的MP3(第三版)听力教程的前面16个单元的听力我都下了,但是没有后面sample test的.一楼同志辛苦了,但是没有高级口译教程的MP3 .还有, 高级口译教程(单指口语)好难,无从下手 ,怎么用?看里面的文章好长好长,词汇四字成语,中文用词非常雅,怎么学这本教材? 高级口译听力教程的4个sample test的MP3和高级口译教程的MP3(第三版)听力教程的前面16个单元的听力我都下了,但是没有后面sample test的.还有,求口译教程的所有听力~ 高级口译教程(第三版)音频MP3 Hi ,How have you been ? 是什么意思? How have you been nearst是什么意思 China's national defense, open & self-confident翻译在线等候~~~ 英语翻译快 Nobody heard of the story(完成反义的附加疑问句) Your brother has music shows in the hall.改为一般疑问句 自动化控制中为何使用负反馈,负反馈有何特点? 自动化控制中正负反馈有什么区别 简述反馈控制电路与负反馈电路的区别 That man is only 25,but he ____ old. 上海中级翻译 词汇书 笔译和口译要分开买吗 There are too many people in the world,say that like you too much.Real heart to you,too little too little.说的是什么, 跪求这张电子机票的中文翻译! question is whether it is worth doing. the question is( that if )it is worth doing that if 为什么不能用在这里,只能用whether If 和Whether的填空:The question is______it is wrong.填哪个?我写的是if ,答案是whether.我知道这个两个词有一些区别,但是这道题不是两个都可以填吗? I never play computer games=I----- -----play computer games The question is ___this book is worth writing.A,if B,whether I never play computer games同意句 never will i play computer games为什么never will放句首 All the people in the stop were laughing at me because my size was big 用because of 改写when my chinese dad got back ,he told me that a dirty look is real bad in China It was fantastic!All the people were very happy!的问句用(What/it like)问, 填空:My cousin_(play)computer games last night. 用人生的道理来写一段话