
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:31:37
YELLOW,RED,BLUE,BLACK这四个单词分别是哪四种颜色? They failed _ (get) to the top of the hill at last. They went to the top of the mountain ____(safe) at last. At last they came in of the city,选词填空A、view B、scene C、look D、sight对不起,是At last they came in of the city It`s a piece of ____(surprise) news that they made the _____(decide) at last 在迎世博长跑中,明明跑的米数是军军的1.2倍,军军比明明少跑800米,他们各跑了多少 有一个跑道,明明跑的线半径是15米,军军跑的线半径是10米.如果他俩在这样的场地上比赛军军跑3圈,明明应该跑几圈 军军明明两人捐款数的比是3:2,已知军军捐了150 Are you going to go shopping?是什么时态?急. Are you going to go shopping tomorrow 怎么回答?Are you going to go shopping tomorrow 怎么回答? (英语)Are you going to go shopping this weekend?(用否定和肯定回答) 下列现象中,由于地球自转产生的是 ()?A 昼夜长短变化B 太阳直射点季节移动C 昼夜更替D 四季更替为啥? 温州市平阳县水头镇 翻译成英文,怎么翻? 下列现象能说明地球自转方向的是:A北极星在天空的位置看起来几乎不动B在北半球观测星空,各星座均绕北极星作逆时针方向旋转C太阳直射点作南北运动D月亮有阴晴圆缺答案是B但是我有点不 昨天从下午到晚上下了一夜的大雨 修改病句急2 they prefer to watch TV at home rather than ____ shopping A.going B.go C.to go 那请问你,The girls are going to go shopping.(对划线部分提问) Sorry we're late.We couldn't get a taxi,so we had to come _____ .A.by walking B.on foot C.walkD.walkingE.with feet为什么对?其余为什么不对? We often go to school by taxi 同义句We often ____ _____ _____ to school. You can come to my house by taxi的同义句,我是初一的. lucy works very hard ,but her twin sister lily h_______ works.lucy works very hard ,but her twin sister lily h_______ works. they both study very hard.=(_) (_) (_) study very hard. 一些关于动物的英文简介,帮下忙,什么动物都行,只要是英文讲的, They both study very hard的同义句 关于冬虫夏草的英文简介,冬虫夏草是自然界中菌类、植物类和动物类集为一身的杰出代表.由于它奇特的生命现象和治病养生的神奇功效,在国际上有极高的声誉,作为名贵的传统中药材,在中 英语句型转换 They both study very hard.(改为同意句) ___ __ __study very hard. 那个关于想象的作文ANO,我们只有12岁那~恩忘说了~就是苏教版初一语文上册最后一个作文题目(想象)里的几个题目~ They are going to go boating.这句话有没有错啊? They are going to go boating.这句话有没有错啊?快 we some by taxi 换种说法,其意思不变 五颜六色的红旗在操场四周.该病句,怎改?帮 一边走路,一边唱歌.改病句