
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 17:31:46
第一题答案是四组第二题最大值是1+根号2 最好附图 求Bruno Mars - never say you can't歌词中文翻译 do it for you never Aurors Wolf soul怎么读 english is spoken as the main language in america这是一个什么句式 为什么用spoken 怎么翻译呢 the language is english .It is spoken in Australia 这句话改成从句?应该是什么类型的从句? 有几个常用的英语单词不懂.下列词语如何翻译成英文?1.烟花2.珠江3.灯笼4.国旗5.中国结6.帐户7.历史文化名城8.园林9.木雕10.牌坊11.全国重点文物保护单位12.上下九步行街 高中数学必修四第一章正弦函数值域的问题 一个听不懂的英语单词今天老外跟我说明天要找的商品,不断重复单词..发音像cosmit ..然后动作一直用手指在自己的眉头比划...- - 为什么有的时候我知道的英语单词也会听不懂?如题? 上课听不懂,英语单词容易完忘 my father died when i was a few months oldfood 有复数么?A healthy diet means eating different kinds of healthy foods each day.这句话里foods这样用可以吗?If we protect the environment well,i believe we can make the world a better place to 高中数学题 必修④三角函数——正弦函数、余弦函数如果偶函数y=f(x)有f(π+x)=f(x)(x∈R),且当x∈[0,π/2]时,f(x)=cosx,则f(4)与f(2)的大小关系是_________请写出详细过程 when my father died...一道选择.when my father died,Jim was a real_____.He was a great brother.He held the whole family.A.hero B.owner C.support D.child我选C,我姐姐选A,请问到底谁是对的?或者两个都错了?正确答案应该是什 求解英语谜语 I was born bofore my father,I married my mother,but I died as a bachelor.这是我们外教出的.据说很难. 中国电信的英文怎么说?中国电信河南分公司怎么说?用英文的, 高二英语短文改错,9个错误.I was 14 years old when my father died.I was 14 years old when my father died.He was our mainly source of income.From then on,we have severe financial problems and struggled to pay for food and basic education.That 电信缴费系统的设计与实现用英文怎么说 中国人对’小悦悦事件‘事件怎么看需要大家的感想、 关于小悦悦的事件观点与事例 小悦悦事件给中国人的警示 how much does the watch cost?改为同义句 .how much does your new mp3 cost?同义句 1.the book does not cost much.it is________(expensive).2.nothing important.just that he is a bit_______(upset)about losing the game.3.lucy was born on the _____(two)day of may.4.how much do the _______(ticket)cost?5.the girl likes wearing_______ Since his father died three years ago,he ______(not,pay) any taxes.has not paidhad not paiddo not paydid not pay这些填法有何区别,有何不妥? 中国电信股份有限公司西安分公司政企客户部用英语怎么翻译啊? 中国电信科室牌翻译成英文拜托各位大神财务部、渠道部、政企部、开户室、总经理室、副总经理室、会议室、清欠办、网络部、各客部、男厕所、女厕所、娱乐室、机 房 中国电信集团公司河南省xx电信分公司英文标准翻译 在直角坐标系中,画了一条直线,应该写一般式还是直线的方程在那条直线那里? 平面坐标系中有点(3,4)以A为圆心,5为半径画圆,在同一坐标系中直线y=-x与⊙A的位置关系 How much does the computer______?A.cost B.pay C.spend D.take How much does the mobile phone ____?填cost还是spend还是pay还是take?