
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 14:48:06
请问Would War II怎么读? Would you do the same if the war___?A would breakB were to break outC will break outD is broken out Who would win a currency war?出自哪个报刊 There's a film on at one cinema called Space War.Can we see that?Space War is about a great adventure.So would I .What about Country Road.这里的so would I Soft place in my heart is left for you什么意思 Government sources said there would be no prolonged pause in the war.据官方消息,这场战争的时间不会长.这句为什么不能翻成停战的时间不会太久? 他深受同学的爱戴 用英语怎么说拜托了各位 According to the map,we found the right way to the safety at last.翻译 it's the artist's task to find out how much music you can still make with what you have left.翻译. 帮我组There is、There are的句子各5句最好是小学程度的 The School Life of Ameltican Students 什么意思 john always treats the old with____(kind). I broke my relationship with John because he always found ______ with me.A.errorB.mistakeC.faultD.failure John always( )the rules.填空在 shop check move cost obey 中选一个 there is nothing left to say 这句话怎么翻译 是褒义还是贬义 英语翻译有多少中翻译写多少种!不同的人翻译成不同滴 you would have done whatever it took to win this war.请问这个句子的构成.特别是whatever及后面还有it 是指的什么it 和whatever的关系呢。it took to win this war 是宾语补语吗?还有就是it 要是指代to win this war His English teather is s__________ ,but he is full of fun 语文作文能用上的好词好句 语文作文好词如捏,扯,踌躇,这类给作文增色的词.可以多一些吗,中考用 写语文古诗词赏析短文 怎么用There is 和There are各造两个句子 初一水平There is.和there are.各造五个句子 用there is (are)各造3句 完成句子:他并没去广州,反而去了上海.He ___go to Guangzhou.______,he went to Shanghai. He went to shanghai - - - to Guangzhou(他没去广州而去了上海用两种方法)He went to shanghai _ _went to Guangzhou 语文作文要放风筝 来些好词好句 If the orphanage didn't take them(),they probably would have been living on the ()第一个单词以i开头,第二个以s开头. I probably would have understood the world no more.帮我解释下这句话,有没有否定的意思? 语文作文的好词好句,帮我找找!我要写一篇作文,要一些描写公共汽车十分拥挤的好句子...我快急死了 Do you like drinking orange是什么意思 such that 定语从句中的that 可以省略吗?