
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:56:20
把一个长为12cm 宽为6cm 高为9cm的长方体木块锯成两个相同的小长方体木块 这两个小长方体木块的表面积之和比原来长方体的表面积增加了多少平方厘米?将几种情况都写出来 从学习的有关科学知识可知 什么创造了人类 周处这篇文章周处的“处”的读音是第三声还是第四声? 生活中的科学知识 有关大自然给人类的启示的一种科学知识,要长点 They went out to play football after they finished their homework(同义句改写) they went to play tennis after they finished their homework. 转换成同义句 个十百千万亿...”亿之后的计量单位是什么?还有些什么? Let's ( )and ( ) football on the playground A.to go,to play B.go,play C.to go,play D.go,to plD.go,to play “亿”这个计量单位何时出现? let's go and play football on the playground.play前面用加to吗 连词成句 go,playground,to,the,they,and,football,play(.) 1G内存等于几多M? 在一个底面半径是20厘米的圆柱形水桶里,有一段直径为10厘米的圆柱形钢材完全浸没在水中,把钢材从桶里取出后,桶里的水下降了3厘米,求这段钢材的长. 内存1G等于多少M 和亿位相等的两个计量单位 Football game is ——— in the world.A.popular B.most popular C.more popular D.the most popula为什么呢/ Football is one of the most popular______in the world.a sports b balls为什么不能用b? Football,I think,is the most popular sport in the world today.全文Football,I think,is the most popular sport in the world today.One can go any of the important matches,shouting for one side or the1.___.One of the most2.___things about football is t In _ countries,_ the young people like playing football A.all,all B.all,most C.most,most D.most,allThe best time _ China is in spring or summer.A.visiting B.visit C.to visit D.for visiting most students和 most of the students的区别 手机1G内存卡等于多少K?我的手机最近格式化了,现在显示的容量是994367K,是不是正常? 诺基亚5700手机中的1G内存到底等于多少MB?我看百度知道中有人说过1G有的商家会让其等于1000MB?那5700中到底是多少啊? 第一根绳子剪去4分之1,第二根剪去3分之1,剩下的相等.原来第一根绳子的长度是第二根绳子的几分之几?要有思考过程 The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen___ football onthe playground just now.A playing     B to be playing    C play      D to play为什么选A The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen___ fo11 The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen___ football on the playground just now.A playing B to be playing C play D to play The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen___ football on the playground just now.  A playing     B to be playing    C play      D to play The girl told me that she wanted to be an English teacher when she g___up She ( ) me the teacher wanted to ( ) with me the next day.A、said,tell B、told,talk C、spoke 在300米环形跑道,甲乙两人同时同地起跑,若同向跑2分30秒相遇,若背向跑半分相遇, 在300米的环形跑道上,甲、乙两人同时同地起跑.如果同向跑2分30秒相遇,如果背向跑则半分相遇.已知甲比乙跑得快,求两人每分跑的距离各是多少米? 在300米环形跑道上,甲乙两位同学同时同地起跑,如果同向跑,则2分30秒相遇,如果背向跑则半分钟相遇,已已知甲比乙跑的快,求两人的速度各是多少?(不用方程)