
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 04:24:54
She does some activities after school(改成一般疑问句) forward和forth区别 forward & forth 有什么区别呢 什么叫联系动词啊? 当词典没有标注明(link Verb),要怎样做才知道这个单词是联系动词呢? Who is the girl in the car?的答句 i don't know what i 第五题, 这里为什么用to,是不定式中的to,还是不及物动词后必须跟to才能跟名词性宾语的to?What happens to trees in the different seasons? 英语不及物动词后跟的to+宾语,是不是不定式? 阿廖沙是哪部著作中的人物?苦难中长大的阿廖沙在长大的环境中是谁给了他温暖和光明使他成为勇敢正直富于爱心的人这是高尔基的“ ”体小说《 》 我眼中的阿廖沙 人物评价 作文 童年中阿廖沙遇到的第一个优秀人物 If+ 一般现在时 + 祈使句 造句五句 doing Helen's is what brother 连词成句 what is your father doing?快 what's your father doing now?怎么回答包括意思 Some things cost more than you realize什么意思 some things cost more than realis什么意思 some things cost moer then you realise 求翻译~ and that will cost me more than a full basket of things如何翻译 英语翻译尽快解决、详细点 “浔阳楼”出自哪部文学名著 秋雨打着人的脸.是出自那部文学名著 有没有权志龙政变红色标志的长图是长图 是红色的 没有帮忙做个点击[http://pinyin.cn/1bSayoMsK4o] 查看这张图片.[访问验证码是:415824请妥善保管] 这张图红色 要同样尺寸的 三星左上边有一话筒标志.上面有个斜杠是个什么意思? 我的Q好友头像左下角有个小方框一样的小标志小方框里还有一斜杠是什么意思 求德语语言学中的概念的德语解释,越多越好!比如像Frenquenz Thema Semiotik Flexion 等等的德语解释 定语从句She lives in the house the roof of which is leaking.She lives in the house the roof of which is leaking.此为限制性定语从句,试问能否把the roof of which改成the roof of that,例如She lives in the house the roof of that is le she is afraid of staying in that house alone.这句为什么要用 of 还有这句he is capable of doing anything. Lao She is the ( ) of Tea House(茶馆).选择:A.doctor B.actor C.scientist D.writer Look!There is a(1)l__girl in front of the house.What is the doing?She is(2)w___ some flower.(3)W___ are the man and the woman beside the house?They are the giel's parents.What are they doing?They are planting trees.Look at the children near the (4)r_