
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:20:52
I playing there with my friends after lunch . I love playing there with my friends after lunch的意思 I often stay ___(chat) with my friends after school. my father often reads newspaper after lunch.after lunch画线提问 把你当做我的好朋友用英文怎么说 英语翻译翻译1.大象喜欢跟她的朋友们一起玩.变换词形2.leaf ____(复数) last ____(反义词) rest ______(反义词)句型转换3.The child likes dolphins (改为一般疑问句)______ the child ______ dolphins?4.we lik 英语根据汉语意思完成句子 句型转换问题1问题2 句型转换和,根据汉语提示完成句子The problem is very difficult.We can't work it out.(改为两个简单句,两个复合句)The problem is____ _______ ____ _____to work out.The problem isn't______ _______ _____ _____ to work out.The pro 口语交际.与同学对话.主题:你的童年快乐吗? 与同学对话.你的童年快乐吗? 与同学对话.主题:你的童年快乐吗?30句 你的童年快乐吗对话 与同学对话 主题:你的童年快乐吗?口语交际 如何圆滑做人 做人怎么叫“圆滑” 朋友都说我做人应该圆滑点, 我要考雅思,用这本书记单词ok吗《10000超级单词》,我打算将这本书的单词记到滚瓜烂熟!我还有5年的时间才考雅思!我今年12拉!,打算高二去考雅思,高三毕业就去加拿大!除此之外,我还买了《新 考雅思必背单词, 雅思要考到5分,求单词范围,推荐用书,怎么背单词?目前单词较弱,也就一千多·词汇量,背的较慢且效率不高,已经买了俞洪敏的乱序版的,还用了百词斩软件. 快速记住英语单词的方法? 有什么办法能够好好的记住英语单词? 有什么方法可以很快的记住英语单词? 雅思最有效的背单词方法我现在有大概5-6本雅思单词书,我现在高一,感觉背单词很困难,想寻最好的背单词方法,背词根词缀有用吗?听说几百个词根词缀会背,几万个单词就能出来了,请问怎么背 雅思背单词有用吗我现在高1词汇量肯定跟不上,光背雅思词汇书有用吗? 帮忙翻译成英语:保持距离,否则伤害到自己! 帮忙翻译成英语:保持距离,否则伤害到自己! 英语翻译请大哥们帮我翻译几个句子1:Other findings were that search engines fit college students’ life styles better than physical or online libraries,that college students still use the library,but they are using it less (and readi 英语翻译 年份用英语怎么说 1.How long have you ______this house?A.bought B.borrowed C.had D.lived2.Tony has_____China for 5 years.A.been in B.been to C.gone to D.gone in3.Betty _____her hometown for 3 months.She'll return next month.A.left B.has left C.has been away D.has been 1.Technically,negotiation occurs between people who are interdependent,____ that the actions of one party affect those of the other party and vice versaA as means B to mean C that means D meaning2.Of the thousands of varieties of bird species in Nort 2.16.Review important points _____ in class as well as points you remain confused about.A.mentionB.mentionedC.mentioningD.to mention17.Paul:Can I help with your luggage?Lisa:______.A.No,many thanks.I can doB.No,thanks.I can manage itC.No,not necessar 我高二出国,去美国,我现在想高中考雅思,现在想准备了,雅思是注重词汇的,我应该买本什么词汇书呢英语四级的词汇行么还有我想出国后考SAT,推荐本sat的试题书,最好是数学英语都有的