
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:37:14
CNC 求函数f(x)=2x^2-3x+1/x^2的值域 求时钟4点半时,时针与分针的夹角度是 概率论,已知x和y的分布律,让我求min(x,y)的分布律, 我想买欧姆龙电子体温计?用做测女性基础体温用,不知欧姆龙电子体温计效果怎么样? 欧姆龙的电子体温计有水银吗? 游泳池内水深2米,池底受到水的压强是多少pa?g取10 要详答 游泳池水深2m,求游泳池底部受到水的压强为多少pa? 若a=-3的绝对值,那么a= 已知a的绝对值等于3,b的绝对值等于2且a-b的绝对值等负a-b的差 绝对值等于负三的有几个 分别是? 负二小于A小于3,则A减3的绝对值是多少,A加二的绝对值是多少 高中正弦定理和余弦定理的题!在三角形ABC中,设角A、B、C的对边分别为a、b、c,且cosC/cosB=b/2b-c,则角B等于( )A.30° B.60°C.90°D.120° 化简根号X平方乘以Y平方加Y四次幂等于说明白点 已知:y 夏练三伏冬练三九的意思所有的意思 完整一点 函数y=1/(x-1)的图像与函数y=2sinx(-2≤x≤4)的图像所有交点的横坐标之和等于( )A 2 B 4 C 6 D 8 write the comparative form of the following是什么意思?急 Write the plural form of the following words 跪求汉语意思 急 Write the opposite form the following words.的意思是Write the opposite form of the following words.1.big____2.tall____3.bad____4.low____5.cheap____6.easy____7.boring____8.safe____9.old____10.cool____11.hot____12long____ write the comparative and superlative forms of the following words写的比较级和最高级形式下面的话old ( ) ( ) \ heavy ( ) ( ) \ fat ( ) ( ) \ popular ( ) ( ) \ busy ( ) ( ) \ quickly ( ) write the smple past form of the following verbs 是什么意思 一个圆锥形玉米堆,测得底面周长是15.7m,2m,如果每立方米玉米重800kg,这堆玉米多少kg 1.One recent prediction is that within the next 50 years,it possible to link the human brain directly with a computer.A.is B.will be C.would be D.was2.These interesting articles were written by Anna,who _ for our magazine these years.A.wrote B.would write the opposites of the following words write the comparative from of the following 、 一道关于正弦定理或余弦定理的数学题目……在△ABC 中,a,b,c分别是角A ,B ,C 的对边,若a=√3,A =60゜,则b+c的最大值 时针和分针在12点重合,几分钟后第一次垂直急 高中英语题希望详解谢谢了1).(1)Do you know ________ John is getting on well with his studies? (2)Do you know _________ John is getting on with his studies? A. how B. with C. what D. that这道也是啥都不知道麻烦说详细点 冬练三九, 冬练三九,夏练三伏的伏是啥意思? 3x-1\4y=15 y=(用含有x的式子)