
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 05:03:26
物体在空气中运动会不会形成真空?就像物体在水中快速运动,会在后面形成一个空气腔,那么如果物体在空气中快速运动,会不会在后面形成一个真空腔?偶然想到,如果比较不和逻辑请见谅! 迪拜的街头风光(小学四年级下册第18课) 辅导书上有这么一句话‘’静止的物体可以受滑动摩擦力的作用,运动的物体可以受静摩擦力的作用‘’, 作用在物体上的静摩擦力既能使物体加速也能使物体减速对不对? Whether we go together or separately doesn’t matter much求翻译! 在水平放置的长直模板槽中,一木块以6m/s的初速度开始滑动.滑行4m后速度为4m/s,若木板粗糙程度处处相同,此后木板还可以向前滑行多远? 迪拜街头风光一段话100字 make from与make with的区别是什么? make sth with sth和make sth of/from的区别.我是想问 如make the shirt of cotton 与 make the shirt with cotton的区别 could i make friends with u and learning english from i have read ur answer on the net,i want to make friends with u and learning english from thanks a lot! Whether he comes or not ____matter too much.A doesn'tB don'tC didn'tD haven't中文意思是什么 选哪个 为什么 英语翻译尤其是the tune of seven grand的翻译,不懂啊. it is the melodies that beat to the tune of our hearts...能帮我翻译一下吗, chance to the tune, stamp to the rhythm of the song这俩句话什么意思 dance to the 自然景观怎么写 描写自然风光的有那些 雪花,是冬天的().月牙,是夜空的().小鸟,是森林的(). If anything _________ the machine,please let me know.A.happens to B.happens on C.happened to D.happened on It's t( 1 ) to go to school at seven thirty.She begins to h( 2 )classes at eight . If anything_____the machine ,please let us know.A.happens onB.happens to 选择填空 ( )1.It's seven fifteen.It's time______go to school.A.for B.to C.at ( )2.—What a nice day!Let’s go to the nature park.—______?We can take some pictures there.A.Really B.Why C.Why not ( )3.I have a new English teacher.Her class is s I don't know his phone number.Will you please___in you address book for me?A.look up it B.look it up C.look for it D.look at in选哪个?为什么? 甲骨文是写在什么上面的? care about 什么意思? “陈”“玲”的甲骨文怎么写? What evidence do you have to support them? 1.I‘m going to ( ) from Dalian to Beijing after high school.2.I want to ( ) to interestingplaces and see new things.(用move和travel填空) I want to go to Peking University after graduating from high He'll go to college or u____ after he graduates from high school.根据首字母填词 I want to go to ______city to work,after I finish my high school.A other B another C the other D o此题选B,为何不能选A,other不是指两者中的一个,意思是“另外的”,Another指三个或三个以上的事物中的一个,D others I want to go shopping after school对划线部分提问划线部分after school