
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:28:17
改错 急 1)It is said in the book that Thomas Edison (1847-1931)_____ the world leading inventor for sixty years .A.would be Bhas been C.had been D.was(既然六十年已过,那是不是就不能选现在完成时?)2) I ___you not to move my dictionary trash的音标和造句 高二英语改错题Yesterday was a long,and tired day for me.I had to 1.____work in a restaurant in San Francisco for some reason.2____That meant hour of standing all day long.By the time 3____I make it on the train to go ho 改错题, 有关高二英语改错的几道题目1.-I've been admitted into Beijing University.-I'm glad to hear that you made at last.2.If you only pay attention to h\this cause,which will lead to misleading of this matter.3.What was known to us all that Bruc 求:不难.在三角形ABC中,内角A,B,C对边为a,b,c.已知a,b,c成等比数列,公比为q,且cosB=4分之3._1,求q值.2,求cotA+cotC.实在没有过程就把能得分的思路写下,拜托…还有结果……拜托, 问个高二英语改错题...We saw a boy fall off his bike ahd he began to cry.老师说这句话对的,但我觉得off后面应该有个from啊.谁能帮我解答下? 单项填空:1.Though_________money,his parents managed to send him to university.A.lacked B.lacking of C.lacking D.lacked in2.___________the poem a second time,its meaning will become clearer to you.A.Your having read B.While reading C.If reading D. 音标:[v]造句老师说,要用有音标[v]的单词做绕口令,简单说就是一句句子中除了主语冠词都要用带有音标[v]的单词单词:vase van vagetable very video violin 还有很多这里小黑 1+ 2/1-6/5+12/7-20/9+30/11-42/13说明:2/1这些就是分数 2/1是2分之1好的我+分给你们 -3.14*35.2+6.28*(-23.3)-1.57*36.4 高二英语改错1:In some parts of London, missing a bus means to wait for another hour.2:—Why haven't you bought some butter? —I meant, but I forget.3:Looking at his exciting look, I knew he hadn't calmed himself 高二英语高手来帮我看看改错, 高二英语改错 急啊 数学学不好 脑子就是笨吗 数学学不好,是不是脑子太笨了? 我得数学不好,难道是脑子笨么? 初中生认为自己脑子笨,学不好数学和英语该怎么开导?案例?这样总是破罐子破摔,总认为自己不如别人聪明,所以数学题就不去思考,作业说是不会;英语课文好多单词不认识,读不熟.说自己现 我就数学不好,可理化都不错啊! 我家女儿数学不好,我本来想给她补习的可是效果不好,怎么办呢? 高二英语改错题she wondered as she feel asleep 化简2(3x-5)+5x:-2n-(3n-1):4a-2(a-3b)+3(b-a): 数学集合与函数那一章的 求f(x)=㎡-4m+7,m∈[t,t+1]的最小值.(这里的m就是自变量) 解个集合与函数的题在线等函数f(x)的定义域为(-11),f(x)为奇函数,又f(x)是增函数,如果f(1-a)+f(1-a²)<0,求实数a的取值范围 4(x^2-5x)-(2x^2+3x) 化简 西游记中有哪些带三的故事 怎样化简:3(5x+4)-(3x-5) 化简3x的平方-5x-2 麻烦帮我解一道数学题目,非常急用以下是题目:已知cd是直角△abc斜边上的高,ae平分∠bac交cd于f,且gf//ab,求证:cf=bg 海底两万里 读书笔记 300字必须在250-350之间 麻烦啦..!~解一道数学题目销售价X元(元/千克)……25 24 23 22销售量Y元(千克) ……2000 2500 3000 3500按照这个数据能不能求出Y与X之间的函数关系,并写出函数关系式