
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:44:04
果断是什么词(贬义词/褒义词/中性词)? 这个逻辑题的答案是什么?有甲、乙、丙三个精灵,其中一个只说真话,另外一个只说假话,还有一个随机地决定何时说真话,何时说假话.你可以向这三个精灵发问三条是非题,而你的任务是从他们 There are many-----in America横线的地方填什么选择什麽 How many ______ are there in your class? A:Japanese B:American C:Australian D:Canadian 读了竹石这首诗你想到什么成语 写一段童年的趣事:_________ 把童年中的一件趣事写成诗趣事,一定是趣事 人物个性的褒义词和贬义词要英文的,最好付上中文. Computers can help us a lot. A lot 可以替换成many还是much、more、lots of 鬼鬼祟祟,一溜烟,不三不四,临危不惧,鼎力相助,欢天喜地,造句 造句好的来哦用首先..并..然后..再..最后.造句.今天要. 用正是……使……造句,好一点 新世界出版社 封面是一朵向日葵迫切需要啊. 2011 新世界出版社 封面是一朵太阳花 急 湖南人教版的 重视物质利益就是唯物主义,强调精神文明就是唯心主义,请结合所学知识谈谈你的认识这是关于政治必修课里的一道课后练习题来的~~哪位好心人能帮我想想,该如何回答呢?小生感激不尽~~ October 31 is a holiday in North America什么意思 come to life come to one有什么区别是come to one's life不好意思没打上 In the poor parts of America's big cities there is a lot of crime,and much of it is serious.如何翻译 america holiday我想知道所有的美国国定假日…… 记童年的一件趣事 Is this chair[she her hers]? Much pollution makes many birds in that area______.A die out.B die of 目不转睛相近的词语 和“目不转睛”一类的词语有哪些?十万火急! 银行卡和什么在一起容易消磁呢?两个磁卡放在一起会不会消磁呢? My father is Jackie Brown.改一般疑问句.and these are white black picturse连词成句 简要的写出童年生活中最有趣的一个场面 --we have finished the course,we shall startdoing more revision work.A.For now B.Since that C.Now that D.By now ________ we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.求大神帮助A. For now B. Now that C. Ever since D. By now more t 20 workers have finished their work.怎么填空啊?、急吖.. 12.____ we have finished the course,we shall start doing more revision work..[A] For now[B] Now that [C] Ever since[D] By now题 1313.John regretted ____ to the meeting last week.[A] not going[B] not to go[C] not having been going[D] not to b have you finished the work?No,we need two more hours.此处疑问句中可以用did引导吗?