
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 12:56:17
请教单词lie的过去式,现在进行式 四级多少分及格 英语四级多少及格 用VBA代码判断两数区域除10余数相等,或一数加5就两数相等如:SA=0049(3),SA=0909(8)不相等SA=0049+5(8),SA=0909(8)相等如:SA=0209(1),SB=0901(0)不相等SA=0209+5(6),SB=0901(0)不相等又如:SA 每一个考点的四级题一样吗?每一个考点教室,四级题一样嘛?就是说前后左右的四级题一样嘛?不要主观臆断,不知道的就别说了,好不好,知道说声. 今年的CET4花卷是1个考场内的考卷 答题卡都一样的吗那不是1个考场内答题卡选项都一样了,怎么防偷看作弊呢 湖南江西英语四级试卷有区别没湖南省江西省2009年的英语四级试卷有区别没 今年湖南四级英语同考场的分花卷吗? 我想恶补英语一个月,然后12月份考四级,现在一般水平, 本人英语较差,求英语四级复习方法,还有一个月的时间,时间较紧.希望能有效一点的~最重要的是实用、、、、、 _What do you think of the book?_It reminds me of the days()I spent in the countryside.A when B that For Joan,the bird (95)_____her friend since she brought it home. she put the baby up for adoption.这里是put..up词组吗,句子搞不懂,句子意思我是知道,无需翻译. 英语四级备考问题我今年12月9号就要考英语四级了,现在每天都在复习.可是复习得很烦,一看到英语书就头疼.看到课文单词就不想看,我该怎么办呢? 考研不到一年时间,英语四级还没过,还有希望吗,该怎么准备? 同义句转换:1)He didn't pass the math exam.=He ______ ________the math exam 2)past的同音词————快 四级没过,考研有没有希望啊?有什么办法可以快速提升英语啊? 英语懂进改同义Their Chinese teather goes home on foot after work. 英语,懂的进I spend about ___ in the library,what about you?A a hour a week to read B a week a hour reading She _______ as the bird flew away.A.watched B.looked C.looked at She p___ a box beside the bird and it c___ into it quicklyShe put up I___ of missing posters,but she could find no sign of itBobby is sobeautiful and Iwas so w___ about it求书读回答,首字母填空的几个空,关于找鹦鹉的 she h---the bird feeder out side the kitichen Do you have a ping-pong ball?怎样变否定句? Lily math because she thinks it's too difficult.A.like B.likes C.dislike D.dislikes I love you forever,have been waiting for you 有语法错误吗? you have been gone forever 英语四级听力有没有更好的办法我的听力特别差,怎么才能在短时间内提高听力成绩 英语翻译 翻译she is 1.she is___complaning about somethingA often B usually C sometimesD always2.the students can do their things well____(they)为什么不能说他有时抱怨? My deskmate didn't pass the math exam ,___ ,he failed his math exam .A.My deskmate didn’t pass the math exam ,___ ,he failed his math exam .A.for example B.that is C.such as D.for instance There is something wrong with my bike.It needs ____A.to repairB.repairingC.repairedD.being repaired