
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:56:11
Warning 翻译Any attenot at effecting repair to tool in any manner and failure to lubricate tool as recommended will render warranty invaild.今天在一个箱子上看到这些.谁能帮忙翻译一下..谢谢~~~ 英语翻译Your computer does not meet the Minimum System Requirements to run this software.As a result,you may experience errors during operation.Your Video Card does not meet the required specfications.(GPU:VRAM 128MB) 是说我显卡太低还是 Warning Signs 歌词 My grandpa in Shanghai though he in the northMy grandpa in Shanghai though he in the northA.has been used to the life,used to liveB.has been used to live,used to livingC.has used to live,used to liveD.has been to living,used to the life A woman you know well will rush towards you?A woman you know well will rush towards you?里面的 towards是介词吧?为什么要加S呢?A woman you know well 的意思是不是一位您很熟悉的女人? This is well___to us.A.knowing B.know C.known D.knew 一辆汽车五分之一是形式20千米.这辆汽车行驶的路程与所用时间的比是():(),比值是(). 一辆汽车1.5时行175千米路程与时间的比是多少,比值是多少?;时间与路程的比是多少,比值是多少? 急求同时含有合作和包容意思的成语?谚语或者格言也可以 there___(be)some fruit in the kitchen专家讲解首字母填空koala bears are quiet,friendly,children like them,they need a____for a home2.lions need a place t____run 用a,some,ang填空(1)Is there()brea in the kitchen?(2)there is ()loaf on the table (4)there is not ___ chocolate on the table (5)there is ___ spoon on the dish (6)is there ___ soap on the dressing table?(7)there are ___ clouds in the 忆江南表达诗人什么样的情感 There are ___hours of sunlight a day in winter than in summer.A.fewer B.less C.few D.a littleThere are ___hours of sunlight a day in winter than in summer.A.fewer B.less C.few D.a little there are ------hours of sunlight a day in winter than in summer A lessB little C more D much There are only ______ hours of sunlight every day in Norway.A) few B) a few C) little D) a little是看sunlight还是看hours啊,为什么 一个三角形的三内角的度数比是1:1:2,.现在以知两条短边都是4厘米,它的面积是( )平方厘米? (词)三首内容 There are_____(few)hours of sunlight in the day in winter than in summer. (词)三首内容及其解释 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也. Isn't it time you ___down to ___the paper?A.got;markB.get;markingC.get;being marked D.got;marking 求关于秋天的成语! 电磁阀中 3v 4v 2v有什么区别 He writes down his name ____ on the paper和Don’t make _____.the boy is sleeping some 修饰 可数 much修饰 不可数 那么 可数又不可数的词呢? he wrote down his name on the s______.有比Stone更好的答案么, He put down his name for the excursion.这里面的put He wrote his name on the top of the paper判断对错, 英语翻译翻译是不是 他为了能去短途旅行,所以写下了他的名字.意思是不是 他为了短途旅行报了名? keep an English notebook中的keep可以用take代替吗? 因为有个短语是take notes 已知m与n互为倒数,c与b互为相反数,求2(c+d)-2mn的值.错了,是c与d互为倒数。 春节俗语有哪些