
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 04:32:15
The birds are digging a hole.(一般疑问句)把The birds are digging a hole。变成一般疑问句 有首民谣,第一句歌词是“Digging a hole and the walls are caving in我想知道这首歌的名字, There () a hotel opposite the museum but it closed a long time ago.A.was B.used to be C.had been 英语my cousin often calls me怎么翻译 什么是无限动词和非无限动词,this is my first time hearing this concept.who can tell me about it? everything will fade away ,he can leave behind only memories怎么翻译 公元619年,唐政府颁布法令,规定百姓年满五十者,皆免课役.唐朝均田制规定,老男、残疾授口分田四十亩,寡妻妾授口分田三十亩.这表明唐朝前期   A.确立封建土地私有制      关于江苏声政府发布的法令江苏省政府颁布的07号令是关于什么内容的? 颁布停止女子缠足法令的是哪个政府 never trouble you if stop even are smiling in连词成句 If you are tired,you can stop ____(work)快急用 Don\'t you think the windows need 后面为什么要填cleaning或Don't you think the windows need 后面为什么要填cleaning或者to be cleaned? little seconds form minutes? In time of dire need,clever thinking is key.中文意思. My sister ,who has no clear sense of direction,was at a lossMy sister,who has no clear sense of direction,was at a loss when finding that the road she used to go along was in repair翻译 sometimes和every怎么造句每个造三句 flowering plants can make seeds 怎么翻译 翻译He will know by tomorrow whether his father has decided about the house. Is she at home?副词部分是哪里?Food here is hard to get.“hard”不是形容词吗?为什么变成副词?英语到底怎么学?比如我搜索“副词”,副词的解释中就有“放在实义动词之前.如果实义动词后有宾语,则 他顺利地找到了一份好工作如何翻译 空的反义词 空的反义词是什么 反义词空的那咋写? 空是反义词 eyes wide shut 歌词 英文翻译中文 No matter what we go through I'm a always roll wi 这谁帮我翻译下 eyes wide shut歌词 JLS的 1、I spent half an hour(working on)this difficult math problem 括号里为何填working on 而不是to wo childhoodChildhood is less clear to me than to many people :when it ended I 请问:much less 可以修饰副词吗?例如:it spread much less widely than people suppose. putting on,off,up,告诉一下用法 Putting it down means happiness