
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 11:09:31
我想找到一个适合自己的英文名我是女生,名字叫王紫妍,这个名字连小名都不好取,更何况英文名!所以,我诚恳D请求各位高明人士哈,(不要英文名大全! 我想要以适合我的英文名我是一个女生,165的高度,皮肤较白,内外兼具,喜欢安静的环境,给别人的感觉有时会较偏中性.给熟悉的朋友一种很快乐的感觉,会讲幽默的笑话.但是给不熟悉的人一种 初二英语作文 以Sports in our school 为题写一篇报道根据以下提示1师生门花更长的时间进行锻炼2做运动可以锻炼身体也有助于学习3我们应该坚持多做运动 以''Sports in our school''为题,用英语写一篇短文,反映学校体育锻炼的情况.次数80左右.提示:1.体育运动时间;2.体育运动种类;3.有利健康和学习;4.学校生活变化等.文章要以初三的水平来写,不 英语翻译Behind Phlp's success lies a story of tuinmph over challenges. “迈克尔菲尔普斯是一个精力旺盛的年轻的男人.”这句话用英文翻译一下! sports in our school E____ in our school loves sports she wanted to go hiking _______ at homeA.staying B.stay C.to stay D.stayed Last night, my workmate called me , she said one of my classmate in High School wanted to see me an帮我翻译一下!谢谢To tell you the truth, I had a bad memory and we didn't see each other for twenty years. I had forgotten what he looked like i -what were you doing when your father came back?-I had just finished my homework and __to take a shower .A.started B.was starting C.have started D.had started 请详细阐述理由, what your parents or grangparents did when they were children请用英语回答 I wish I were what I was when I wished I were what I 非金属与硝酸怎么反应?比如说与C反应,方程式是怎样?还有“浓硝酸能使紫色石蕊试剂先变红,后退色”是不是因为其强氧化性? .—— What were you up to when your parents came in?—— I_____for a while and_____some reading.A.was playing; was going to do B.played; did C.had played; was going to do D.had played; did 说理由 C与稀HNO3会不会反应 C和硝酸反应生成什么?请具体分析一下,用化合价,氧化性啊什么的..不要光给我说生成CO2 NO2 H2O另外 稀硝酸和浓硝酸 与 碳 反应的话 应该不一样吧? She looks very well these days.She is h___now than before. It will be——before she gets well.A.some times B.some time C.sometime D.sometimes Hou did peggy sleep?She slept not well.为什么这个回答的语法错了呢? Please tell me ____phone求大神帮助Please tell me ____phone.A.on B.by Could you please tell me where I can ______ (打) a phone call. 铁与稀硝酸的反应 铁与稀硝酸的反应式 铁和稀硝酸反应过量少量到底怎么看啊 比如0.4MOL硝酸和0.8MOL铁怎么反应 铁与稀硝酸反应生成什么? 1、look,there are two pandas over there .they are lying __ the grass.2、here's a bridge .let's go __ it .i went to go to the monkey's forest.3、elephants are the biggest animals on land .their large ears are __ open fans .4、turn left ,and you wi Look, the bus shop( )over there. A:Where ____[be] the children?B:Look,they _______[be] over there.A:What _____they ____ they_______[do] here?B:They______[listen] to the CDs.用适当的动词形式填空. what were you doing when your father (came) back?为什么括号内不能填was coming When your father came to the school,what were you doing?改为同义句. High school musical 的英文简介(要简短、单词简单一点)