
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 13:40:11
春天怎样在河里钓到鱼该用什么鱼饵,鱼钩,鱼干 怎样才能钓到河里的鱼我要去河里钓鱼,但好几次都空手而归,请告诉我怎么选点,用什么饵料,怎么打窝以及其他应注意的.帮帮忙~~~ 这是什么鱼?从河里钓的. 求歌,歌词"I hate you,don't make me cry" 求《Don’t Make Me Wait》这首歌的完整歌词.这首歌源于《后窗惊魂》的插曲,演唱者貌似This World Fair,这还是我百度N久才知道.可是度不到歌词,自己E文不是很好,所以求高手给听听..如下是歌曲链 紫藤萝瀑布 作者现在看到的紫藤萝和十年前的有什么不同? 紫藤萝瀑布中作者通过十年前紫藤萝与眼前的紫藤萝对比是为了说明什么(用原文回答! 英语有很多的单词记不住怎么办?要求初三的单词 为什么 鱼儿出水跳,风雨就来到,科学原理 英语改错题Kates father in an english teacher? the solution to the problem lies with the families 中的lies with 正确吗,我认为 lies in 貌似更合理一些,另外,此处lie with 和lie in 的区别什么 4.______with the problem,the _____student4.______with the problem,the _____student requested his teacher to explain it again.A.Confused; confusing B.confusing; confusedC.Confused; confused D.Confusing; confusing He is always the first ______to the cl This can be seen most clearly in the way that problems are dealt with. There ____ ____a football match on the evening.注意:是两空 晚上有一场足球比赛. The problem lies in how people look at those students ___(专心追求知识的).填 to concentrate to seek knowledge可以吗?前面打to可以去掉吗?为什么 Daily Mask Skin Essence yeast+Vitamin c这款面膜是免洗的吗? natural怎么读 when will the football match begin I was told that it _at Will begin b. it begins MY DEAREST是什么风格的歌曲罪恶王冠 My DearestHow are you today?i am very happy to your responded to the email i sent to you in youraddress at the site.I am Miss maldaline grace yahaya.Age 23.ft 5/6.wt 55 .i am the only daughter of Late Dr Fidelis Yahaya from Ivory coast in West Africa my dearest什么意思 英语达人,Re-EssenceRe-Essence重新本质?重新精华?重新香料?请给个最适当的翻译 英文Nutrition Essence Silk moisture Essence 买了很久的漂亮瓶子的化装品.全是英文.太久没有了.也不知道是干什么的 护肤品BEAVER的 lactic casein essence 求这些英文的意思TT瓶身上还有hydro 、 ph4.5-5.5等字样,还有个粗体字"+5",还有"2.7 fl oz.-80ml e"的字样 prendre de l'essence什么意思?貌似不是英语 如何积累英语词汇 You are my dearest forever. she goes shopping___ her way home from work every day为什么横线填on? our teacher __some students was late this morning.A and B as well C as well as D together应该选择哪个呢?怎么翻译啊? After a short rest,I felt______(good). After a week's rest,she felt___better enough to climb a hill.A a good many B a lot of C a great deal D a great deal of