
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:58:11
楼兰古城怎么会消失啊? The milk smells terrible.It ( ) (go bad) .说明原因Miss Lee,where shall we meet?The square ( ) the park is ( ) we meet.A.across ,when B.across where C.through ,when D.throught where2.Your son is ( ) school for two days Sorry.He is ill .He wi 楼兰国是怎样消失的? 哪些词本身就表示主动,不需要被动?如the milk smells bad.这类词有... the food smells_____(bad) 国名与首都日本的、英国的、法国的、德国的、莫斯科、首尔、平壤、新德里、巴格达 填空,组国名.请你在括号里填上适当的字,并按一定顺序可读出六个国家名字.如下:蒙( )巴( )班( )买( )纳 字和括号是对齐的. 翻译英文 因为是异地放单,请客人自行联系在目的港船公司 He likes ( ) to school by bike today.A.to go B.goes C.go D.went I think about ____ (become) an English teacher 英语中,"think of"和"think about"在使用上有何区别? 船公司提单和无船承运人提单区别有哪些 Remember,keep smile on your face!Very important!答:请记住,保持微笑,对你的脸! I HAVE NO ARMS AND NO HANDS. BUT I HAVE FOUR IEGS AND ABACK.I CAN STAND,BUT I CAN'T WAIK.WHAT AM I猜谜,帮帮我,谢谢!翻译成汉语 I`m your good friend.I have no arms and hands.But I have four legs and a back.I can stand ;I`m your good friend.I have no arms and hands.But I have four legs and a back.I can stand ; but I cant`t walk .Guess!what am Ha!I`m___. 有一条长600米得环形跑道甲乙两人从起点按顺时针方向同时出发甲每分钟跑110米乙每分钟跑90M甲第一次追上乙需几分钟此时各跑了多少圈 在一条长300米的环形跑道上,甲、乙两人从起点按顺时针方向同时出发,甲每秒跑6.5米,乙每秒跑3.5米.甲第一次追上乙时,两人各跑了多少米?甲第二次追上乙时,甲、乙两人个跑了多少圈? we'll take the underground to the bus station.Then we'll c____ into the bus si的英文全称是什么 带si的英文单词有什么sion的 it's (easilier) to take the underground than to take the bus.此句对吗,因为副词修饰动词,所以easy变easily,又因为比较级,变成easilier? 谁给翻译一下 英文《si lenct》 I/V、P/L、B/L是什么意思,是提单和发票的意思吗 北京的纬度是40° 把北京这一点与地心相连成一线,与北京同在一条经线上的赤道上的点设为X,X与地心连一线,这两条线夹角为40度.为什么? I have cities but no houses,forests but no trees,rivers without water.Who am I have cities but no houses,forests but no trees ,rives without water.What am I have cities but no houses,forests but no trees ,rivers Withuot Water,What am 请正确翻译出句子意思, KEEP SMILE代表什么意思 中国汽车人才现状 英语翻译 中国汽车业和汽车人才现状英语翻译 Asked why he was absent from school,he made no answers.When asked why he was absent from school,he made no answers.有什么不一样 非谓语动词有些前面有after when 那什么时候能省略,什么时候不能省略 After doing his homework, Asked why he was absent from school,he made no answers.When asked why he was absent from school,he made no answers.有什么不一样.