
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 13:43:37
If he comes bacK,please let me know.为什么不用If he will come back You are my princess,I'll stay in your side,kneeling to give you take a ring. take care of Mr.唐.I will be back soon.beauty.you are right.Fortran .monica stiven.titanic cal 请问上述单词或句子是什么意思. how do you like your school life? 是诗人王安石写的,诗中的"春风又绿江南岸"中的"绿"字,可以换成哪些字? The whole city was destroyed in the earthquake.A.destroyed B ruined The temple____the last century was destroyed in the earthquake.A.dating back to B.dated back toC.was dated back toD.was dating back to选哪个,加翻译 英译汉:even though I am happy but worry ok .it is your turn to share your sentiment with me 改定语从句 1The road was destoryed in the earthquake. It has now been built stronger.2The people were in danger. The soldiers have saved.3The waiter was very friendly and polite. He served as tea.4A dicitionary is a book.you can use it to learn 在《我们结婚了》里面,维尼夫妇,那集出现了Miss —Mike, I am going to skate in the mountains tomorrow. —Oh, really? _____.A. Good luck B. Have a good time C. Thank you D. Congratulations --lily is in hospital.---Really?i ------know ,I------go and visit her.(didn't ,am going to )对吗还是will 翻译:The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken. The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken. 请解释put away put off put forward put through put on 的区别 Nice to meet you So happy to make a friend with you! there are lots of money left啥意思 there are lots of——(俱乐部)快 He has his hair cut every month,does not he为什么用does not he ,而不用has not he He cut hia hair once a month这句话有什么错 He has to cut his hair every month,_______?A has heB hasn't heC does heD doesn't he我知道排除A&C但是B还是D? he has his hair cut once month.对划线部分(once a month)提问 Success belongs to who never give up.这句话对吗?who是不是应该改为whom. 谁能用“饕餮”组3个词? As we know,a mooncake is round ,( ) a full moonAs we know,a mooncake is round ,( ) a full moonA.look like B.looks like C.like D.likes 并说下 look like 和like的区别 老师给了我们一张试卷,有一题疑惑不解.a除以b的商是4.5,则a:b=9:2,是判断题,我写的是X,为什么错了呢?为什么对的?不可以是18:4吗?或其他呢?而且路程和时间的比值表示的是每小时行驶的路程 英语翻译上海版的 足浴盆不出气泡 英语翻译不是关于星座的……是侦探虾米的……夏洛克福尔摩斯进一步冒险的节选……要翻译,不用原文, 英语翻译 牛津英语8a more practise翻译 是U7的,题目好像是Nobody kowns 紧急! Need Not To Know