
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 18:38:21
what's the different between peanut butter and jam?This is a joke form "How I met your mother"Barny said the answer.and after that Lily did not hang out with Barny for 4 weeks. some people are _________to animals (cruel cruelty) Some people are cruel to animals.Some people are____ ____ animals(同义) some animals are friendly byt some are n() god please help me!初三数学函数结合问题!已知函数-1/2x²+x-2/3,若反比例函数y=2/x(x>0)的图像与该二次函数的图像在第一象限内交于点c(p,q),p落在两个相邻的正整数之间,请写出这两个相邻的正 Please help me help!somebody help!please no!please help me 求英语翻译 〔我们不仅捐出自己的零花钱,还为他还到街上募捐〕 同学们正在为那些需要帮助的人们捐出部分零花钱( 英语翻译) 我有个英语谜语不知道答案,what's the difference between 100 and 1000? --How do you like your English teacher?--_________A,very muchB,very wellC,very nice我觉得选C,how do you like 是问喜欢的程度?汗死我了,请有点依据再来回答,how do you like = what do you think of=how do you find明明是"你觉得. 女孩叫男孩扫把星是什么意思 扫把星是什么意思? -What do you______Mr.Li,your English teacher -I like himA:think B:think about C:think of D:like about can you d____ what your english teacher look like How do you like your Chinese teacher?怎么回答还有哦 How do you find your English teacher?告诉我这又应该怎么回答 寓言+概述+寓意+20则概述不超过30字 我叫刘兴,有没有跟我中文名字发音相似的英文名字 我叫晨雨,谁帮我取个谐音的英文名 要好听的,女生. 汤姆 索亚这个人物评价.急.600字就好! 对汤姆索亚的逃离作出评价 汤姆索亚的思想意义 我要一个酷型英文名快点,急,帮帮我吧 It is said that there are some diseases 空 by chemicals空 in people’s bodies over time.A.causing; building up B.caused; building up C.causing;built up D.caused;build up 英语句字的答句What's your English teacher like?三个选择:1.She's thin and shorter.2.She likes Chinese.3.She is good teacher.我个人认为是选1.因为like在这里不是喜欢的意思啊. How do you like your Maths teacher 的同义句 "经济特区"用英语怎么说 寓言故事带寓意赶快啊 长江三角洲是什么时候确立为经济特区的 汤姆索亚历险记中汤姆索亚全名是什么? 汤姆索利亚历险记.汤姆索亚的全名