
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 10:19:33
每个英语单词都有元音吗?我说的是音标. 每个英语单词都至少有一个元音吗?如果是,gym怎么解释? 急求,带20个元音的英语单词每个10个以上,快,我急,五年级左右水平的,好的有重赏! 哪些英语单词中发音【m】 英语:句型转换(每空一词)1.I stood there and listened to the broadcast quietly.I stood there,the broadcast quietly.2.The little girl was so weak that she could hardly stand up.The little girl was stand up.3.Not only has he seen to the U 英语单词读错了或者音错了对考试影响大吗?求教!如果不会读怎么办?手机可以下载翻译软件并且会发音吗? 一个小小的英语问题,medicine (药品)是可数名词还是不可数名词?(最好写一下原因)我们教科书上写的是 take some medicine,some 一般是加在不可数名词前面的吧,可字典上写着 take traditional Chines 一个小小的问题,有关英语翻译的..这个问题很难回答..是the question is difficult to answer还是the question is difficult to be answer.我认为问题应该是被回答,所以用被动语态...但想想又觉得别扭.请求大家 关于一个英语的小小的疑问but the fact remains that the business you work for feels threatened enough to keep outsides away via these "Key," (摘自大学英语综合教程3) 这句话中for 后面的feels为什么不是feeling呢 一个小小的英语问题Your clothes need( )and your hair needs ( )A.washing;to be cut B.being washed;being cutC.to be washed;to cut D.to wash;to cut水平有限,完全是蒙的.请教选哪个答案,希望有较详细的解析 一个小小英语问题!sth remain to be done还是sth remains to be done还是sth remained to be done顺便讲一下已有吧呵呵!谢拉! I am making a model plane.改成一般疑问句和肯定回答 句型转换,每空一词(英语)1.Sometimes he talks in class.Sometimes he plays with toys in class.(改为同义句)He _____ talks _____ plays with toys in class sometimes.2.He has made twelve rockets.(对twelve提问)______ _____ rockets _ 英语问题,转换句型,一空一词1.He usually gets up at six thirty in the morning.(用yesterday morning改写句子)He_______ ________ at six thirty ________ _________.2.I watched TV ten minutes ago.(向划线部分提问,watched TV为划 求与“会”字发音相似的音节想直译自己的中文名,就是“会”这个太难了,再加上自己的英文水平也不够,所以就上百度求助来了.不求一模一样的发音,但求相似,无误的音节例如,林志玲 可译 My friends can make a model plane for me .划线部分提问,划线的是:make a model plane 英语初一句型转换,每空一词1.Tom has got a football.I haven't got a football.(合并为一句)Tom has got a football _____ ______ ______ got one.2.We have got (ten) oranges.(就括号部分提问)_____ _____ oranges _____ ______ ___ I hate ___A_when people talk with their mouths full.Ait Bthat C these D themtalk with their mouths 为什么要用A,不用B 求解答英语题,快点 2个音节的英语单词有哪些?2个音节的,越多越好! 谁知道英语单词一共有多少? We are making a model plane变成一般疑问句 The boy is making a model plane 改成一般疑问句 Make a model plane,please.怎么改一般疑问句 含i的英语单词4个字母,i在第二个! 求一些在作文里有用的英语短语,句型 how showed a to him plane make she model 连词成句 把英文音乐这个英语单词美化一下! 有关建议的英文句型和保持健康的相关词组 急用写英语作文时可能用到的一些简单句型 初中水平就好 p,a,e,p,l可以组成哪个英语单词 连词成句 does subjects at your what brother study school ) a you paper her plane make can for Can you _______ (make ) a paper plane for me 这句话应把MAKE换成什么呀