
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:24:58
Circle the nouns in the sentences.Then write them in the correct boxes.的中文意思 most students most of the students有个选择题大致是这样的" when asked what they would like to have as their feature job,( )would reply that they like~"选项有 most students ,most of the students,和most the students 应该选哪一个呢 most of the students 这里可不可以不用 the 为什么?most students 等同于 most of the students ,定冠词在这里是怎样的用法? 除了从空气中获得氧气,还能用哪些方法获得氧气?市场上有一种叫“氧立得”的装置,它是怎样产生氧气的? 甲乙两人从相距100km的AB两地出发,相向而行,甲每小时走6km,乙每小时走4公里,甲带甲乙两人从相距100km的AB两地出发,相向而行,甲每小时走6km,乙每小时走4公里,甲带着一只狗和他同时出发 甲乙两人从AB两地同时相向出发.一条狗在他们之间不停的往返跑.已知AB两地相距500米,甲每分钟走30米,乙每分钟走20米狗每分钟跑400米.问当甲乙两人相遇时,狗共跑了多少米? 甲乙两人在环形360米的跑道上不停行驶,AB两地相距90米,两车从AB两地相背出发.甲速20米/分,相遇后甲继续行驶,乙立刻返回,当乙回到B地时甲已超过B地返回A地,有返回与乙相遇,问多少时间相遇. 棱长是5分米的正方体能裁成几个棱长1分米的小正方体 两辆汽车分别从相距480千米的甲乙两城同时相对开出,4小时相遇,客车每小时行58.5千米,货车每小时行多少千米 most of students 要of吗? 数学题(求圆柱的体积)一根长1米的圆钢,把它截成两段圆钢后,表面积比原来增加了12平方厘米,这根圆钢原来的体积是多少立方厘米? 热爱生命的小报 热爱生命的小报(急!) 爱惜生命的小报怎么做 most of students对吗?是不是应该是most of the students 5t平方-2t+3=0求t h(t)等于负5t平方加15t加18、算 Let’s take a break and watch cartoon? see cartoon还是watch cartoon? 把三个棱长一厘米的正方体拼成一个长方体,这个长方体表面积比三个正方体表面积的和减少了多少平方厘米 why not to watch some easy English cartoon film?的意思 Write the words and expressions according to the instructions in brackets1.responsible(名词)______ 2.stunning(动词)______3.successful(名词)______ 4.successful(反义词)______5.worth(反义词)______ 6.rely(过去分词)______ write the words and expressions according to the instructions in bracdetstell the truth(反义词组) depressed(同义词组) painted(反义词) be free(同义词组) adventure(形容词)scared(同义词) write down the words according to the definitions1.a fashion,a general tendency in the way a situation is changing2.the effect that an event,situation,etc.has on someone or something3.someone who works in a job that requires special education4.popula Write the words according to the meanings1.characters p __________2.communicate ideas well c__________ __________3.make something get better i__________4.most simple ,main b__________5.not tall or short o__________ __________ __________6.differences Write the words according to the explanations.1.t____ two times2.b____ at the back of3.e____ at any time4.p____ like someone or something better5.c____ the most important city in a country The boy usually ___(watch)cartoon TV programme. Let ____(he)____(watch) the cartoon.Would you ______(sing) a song for us ,please? 氮气作为氮肥能干什么 the boy is ___[watch] a ___[fun] cartoon now. 选择读音不同的:A.day(ay) B.sail(a) C.white(i)答对加上1000 改错:He is 35.This is a new watch.It is very beautiful.It is for she.选择读音不同的:A.both(o) B.close(o) C.copy(o) D.home(o) A.last(a) B.map(a) C.practise(a) D.fact(a 一个底面周长为18.84厘米的圆柱体,从中间斜着截取一段后,截去形状如下图.求截去的体积