
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:35:16
“ate”可否取代“eight”? mei lin has been a teacher ---.a.since two years b.since two years ago 为什么选b? "大量练习"翻译成英文 怎么形容心脏跳动 心什么的跳 用一个词语来形容,非常紧张的时候 心的笑用什么词语表达? 同传是怎样炼成的?该怎样练习我现在16岁 是否要现在就开始作一些准备?我现在的英语一般在130到145之间。 谁能告诉我同声传译中影子练习是什么玩意 化简sin2a-2cos平方a 两根木棍,一个长90厘米另一根长140厘米,将它们一端重合顺次放在同一条直线上,此时两根木条中间相距是多运用自己的语言说明理由 How many bottles of the water?这句话对吗? Yet it seems that the faster we go, the further we fall behind. Not only in the literal sense of not getting done what we set out to do,but also at a deeper level. It has come to the point where my days feel like an Olympic marathon.求翻译啊. 就是现在有很多学语言的,但是真正把外国语言学到同声传译那种程度的很少,也就是说做同声传译是否需要一定的天赋? ____has Liu Xiang taken part in the world competition?I've no idea.Let's find it out on the......Internet.A How many timesB How longC How soonD How much shanghai confucian temple (wen miao)有100多年的历史 这句话英语怎么翻译 pigs are usually in dirty water or mud .mud can ____insects ____themkeep fromprotect fromkeep offprevent from what is the difference between cortex and lobes?Do they just have different names? What is the difference:between o(log n) and o(log n^2),where both logarithms have base 2What is the difference:between o(log n) and o(log n^2),where both logarithms(对数) have base 2 ______ .a.o(log n^2) is bigger b.o(log n) is bigger c.no differen What is the difference between "Have you been ready" vs "are you ready"?What is the difference between "(1)" and "(2)?which sentence explaination is correct?Which sentence is more suitable for answeringQuestion=(1),and (2)Answer=I am ready to learn " do you know the little boy?no,but i see him( )by my house every day. 提纲作文 你是我的一本书200字 I dislike fish.(改为同义句) I ( ) fish.=I ( )I dislike fish.(改为同义句)I ( ) fish.=I ( ) ( ) fish. I eat the fish 被动语句 我问心无愧的事 500字作文 在工作上要怎么样做、才能让自己问心无愧! 比喻做事没有做对不起别人的事.表示我对自己做事情,是对,还是不对?只要你自己做事问心无愧,别的也不用去管了.表示我对自己做事情,是对,还是不对? I am afraid that 句型语法结构I 主语 am 系动词 afraid 形容词作表语 那that后的从句是什么成分?表语从句 or 宾语从句?难道系动词+形容词此结构在此处一起作为“主系表”的“系”?然后就是表语 "I'm lovin's it"语法结构分析这是在麦当劳看到的,为什么是in's,有了'm不是就要ing吗 这还是外国通俗化口语还是什么别的语法? I myself am a teenager.语法结构是怎样的. i would appreciate it if you paid in cash 改成 i would appreciate it if you could pay in cash They made him feel excited 这里的宾语补足语是feel excited 那这个宾语补足语是由 动词原型词组构成是不是不定式短语 和 动词原型短语 都可以充当宾语补足语吖 an English car意思是?