
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:23:20
要跳槽了,应该去那里进修一下英语? Physical Address是什么意思? physical symptom是什么意思 physical quantities是什么意思 physical function是什么意思 physical count中的physical是什么意思? 什么是系动词.系动词仅仅只是be动词么? 骄傲 名句 软妹是什么 retro physical什么意思 retro什么意思 长沙分别有几家沃尔玛,家乐福超市?还有其他外资超市吗? Forward Genetics and Reverse Genetics是什么? jordan retro 2 其中retro表示什么 沃尔玛和家乐福哪个好 Forward-Phase and reverse-Phase Protein Microarray 怎么翻译 请问说一首歌很retro是什么意思? Fishing is my favourite sport.It is the best.后面这句为什么不行.缺什么? my favorite sport is…… A.fishing B.to fishimy favorite sport is…… A.fishing B.to fishing C.fish D.fishes 选哪个 请问 words of indoor and outdoor activities中of 可以换请问 words of indoor and outdoor activities中of 可以换成for吗? Why can a bride hide nothing?中文 qing gei wo fan yi~xie xei지정제도를 통한 무형문화유산 보호중요무형문화재 지정법적 기 qing bang wo xie yi fen yao hui zhong guo kao shi de shen qing shu Mr Smith is busy ____ his officeA in B with并说明原因写错了,最后应该再加一个work,前面我抄的时候断句没断好 qing(一声) xie (四声)这字怎么写 我目前正忙着写一本书 I am busy writing a book________ ______ _______ zhong wen fan yiI don't know if you really care about me, am I boring? Am I a plaything of yours? Why do you hurt me over and over?I have given you many chances, and whenever I am close to being done with you you tease me again. This just hurts me so Mr smith is busy every day .He often says,'' I()busy.I want to have a rest中括号里是什么? He's going to have two days__. He is writing a book ___warA of B on Cfor D with i do it for you的汉语歌词 用when,before,after等词连接句子 1.We fed the dog.Then we took it for a walk.(after) 2.Millie finished her homework.Then she wanted a film on TV.(after) 3.The film started.Then I arrived at the cinema.(when) 4.Chou Yun Fat was famous for in Asi