
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:52:53
求与椭圆25分之x平方加9分之y的平方等于1有公共焦点,且离心率为2的双曲方 数学椭圆25分只X平方加上16分之Y平方等于1与X轴,Y轴的正半轴交与A`B两点,椭圆的右焦点为F.求三角形ABF的 椭圆x的平方/16+y的平方/4=1的离心率为 X平方/16 + Y平方/4 = 1的椭圆离心率是多少? 以椭圆上一点和两个焦点为顶点的三角形的最大面积为1,则长轴长的最小值为 以椭圆上一点和椭圆的两焦点为顶点的三角形面积最大值为1,则椭圆长轴的最小值为多少? 1.要是CO和CO2中含有相同质量的氧元素,则CO和CO2的质量比为?2.在FeO、Fe2O3、Fe3O4三种化合物中,与等质量铁元素相结合的氧元素的质量比为?3.某硝酸铵(NH4NO3)样品中,氮元素的质量分数为百分之38 这道化学题解释一下.希望有步骤三聚氰铵的溶解度随温度的升高而快速增加.常温下,三聚氰铵微溶于水,饱和溶液溶质质量分数为0.33%,在100 ℃时,饱和溶液溶质质量分数达到5.14%.试求三聚氰铵 现有一包白色固体粉末,可能有氯化钡、氢氧化钾、硝酸钾、氯化镁、硫酸铜中的几种混合而成.为证明其组成,做如下实验:(1)取少量该固体粉末,加足量水分充分搅拌静置,只得到白色沉淀 若椭圆的两个焦点,短轴的一个端点构成一个正三角形,则该椭圆的离心率为 答对,I will never forget the day __ we spent together.A.which B.when C.on which D.where (选A,为什么?)I will never forget the day __ we worked together.A.which B.when C.in which D.where (选B,为什么?)两道题差不多,为什 ★几道英语选择题,请高手帮忙(讲详细些,我会追加分)★1)Walking in the hot sand,you may even have your feet____.A.burnB.burnedC.burningD.to burn2)A good way of saying"I am full"is moving____hand in circles over____stomach after 英语选择题怎么提高分数 有甲、乙、丙三种金属,将乙和丙浸入稀硫酸中,乙溶解,丙不溶,将丙浸入甲的硝酸盐溶液中,其表面有甲析出,则三种金属的活动顺序是?乙>丙>甲为什么答案是这个?拜托有人和我讲下吧 请在给出答案的同时说明下理由(有些题可以不给)1.某同学在对蜡烛的燃烧进行探究时,用燃着的火柴去点蜡烛刚熄灭时的白烟,蜡烛没有重新燃烧.其原因可能是_______________.2.加热碱式碳酸铜, 已知椭圆x^2/16+y^2/9=1的左右焦点分别为F1;F2,点P;F1;F2是一个直角三角形的三个顶点,已知椭圆x^2/16+y^2/9=1的左右焦点分别为F1;F2,点P;F1;F2是一个直角三角形的三个顶点,求点P到x轴的距离? 化学题(请说明下理由)密闭容器中发生如下反应:A(气)+2B(气)=2C(气)(可逆反应) 温度为700K时,反应达到平衡状态1.充入气体A和C,使其浓度都扩大2倍.平衡移动情况是什么?2.若充入 设椭圆的对称轴为坐标轴,短轴的一个顶点与两个焦点是同一个正三角形的顶点,焦点到椭圆的最短距离为√3,求这个椭圆的方程和离心率 16.All the bikes ______ before I ______ to the store.A.had sold out; had comeB.were sold out; had comeC.were sold out; cameD.had been sold out; came17.______ after we finish cleaning the classroom?A.What do you suppose we should do B.What you suppose What does _____ "O" mean in "WTO"?A,a B,an C,the D,/请说明理由. 1.To save more people and things,the firemen did what they could to____the big fireA.take out B.put out C.go out of D.keep out of 2.Hello.May I speak to Fu Jun,Please?Sorry.____by that name works here.A.Someday B.Anybody C.Everybody D.Nobody 若f(x)是以4为周期的奇函数,且f(-1)=a(a不等于0),则f(9)=? 12.能正确表示下列反应的例子方程式是A.向次氯酸钙溶液通入过量CO2:Ca2++2ClO-+CO2+H2O =CaCO3↓+2HClO B.向次氯酸钙溶液通入SO2:Ca2++2ClO-+SO2+H2O= CaSO3↓+2HClO C.氢氧化钙溶液与碳酸氢镁溶液反应:HCO 函数f(x)是以π为周期的奇函数,且f(-π/4)=-1,那么f(9π/4)等于 (A) π/4 (B)-π/4 (C)1 (D)-1 英语高手请进:david promised to come round to have supper with us today.but he ___.I've been alone for half an hourA.won't B.hadn't C.hasn't D.doesn't The moment I got home,I found I _________ my jacket on the playground.A.had left B.left C.have left D.was leaving tom didn’t win ___gold last year,but this year,he got__second change.A.the a B.the the C.a a D.a theDon’t forget____the flowers.They need_____.A.to water,watering.B.watering,to water .C.water,to water D.to water,to waterDon’t be a man like him, 有几道英语选择题不明白.1.You thought I was the boss? Whatever gave you that_____?A.news B.idea C.position D.right疑问:选A.句子什么意思?D不行吗?2.Few pleasures can equal _____ of a cool drink on a hot day.A. Don't call between 12 o'clock and 1 o'clock,____I am usually having lunch.A.at which B.during which time C.by which time D.by which You can never imagine what great trouble I have had ______ the patient who received a serious wound.A.treat B.to treat C.treating D.treatedLittle Tommy was reluctant to tell the headmaster _______ he had done the day before.A.that B.how C.where D.wha 2008全国化学竞赛试题 [高中数学题]若函数f(x)=(ax b)/x (a不等于0),f(2)=1,又方程f(x)=x有唯一解,求f(x)的解析式.