
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:37:31
___(be)you interested in___(play)basketball? 论文里英文摘要应该放在什么位置?是放在中文摘要下面还是中文的关键词下面? 此论文的摘要与关键词是什么论文的地址 论文主题词与摘要关键词一样吗? Why are you so interested in trees?完成对话 Why are you interested in Unilever Customer Development function? —Why are you interested in hotel work?—__________.there is no reasonthat’s all rightwell,because my father has been in hotel industry for twenty years.I can’t tell you—Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?—__________.Yes,help yours 四、六级词汇和雅思词汇什么关系? 雅思词汇相比四级六级词汇有什么区别 准备雅思词汇,是不是要先把四级词汇背了?六级要不要背? 我现在刚刚背完四级词汇,如果准备雅思的话,要不要先背六级词汇?我的雅思词汇是用的新东方的《词以类记:IELTS》,里面大概有四千多词,能不能把六级词汇全部包含进去? 背完四级词汇直接背雅思词汇能衔接上吗?还是先背六级再背雅思?本人刚过四级,打算考雅思,买了一本新东方的《词以类记:IELTS》,如果直接背这本词汇可以衔接上吗?还是先背完六级词汇再 在线等monday is my busiest day 为什么busiest前不加the Monday is my ——day.为什么选:busiest 不选the busiest?3Q Monday is their busiest day in a week为什么不用the busiest如题 为什么? "for your fun"什么意思请不要用翻译软件翻译,谢谢! Monday is my ()day in a week .A busy B busier C much busy D busiest 如果是最高级不是应该加THE吗 新概念课文的最后一句FIELDEN HUGHES from Out of the Air,The Listener是什么意思 like 后面接什么词? Firday is my ( ) day of a week A the busiest B busiest C busy D busier For him to be dishonest is not easy.如何分析句子成分? 请问?reach a glass 和 reach for a glass 意思有什么区别? dark glass 形容人精神振奋、威武雄健的成语!希望回答人快回答 维也纳是欧洲古典音乐的摇篮里摇篮是什么意思?希望GG JJ能快完成!\(^o^)/~...... li peng has a toothache提问 he should eat nothing同义句li peng has a toothache提问 my father has a s---- ,so he should eat nothing for a day. 英语高手进;改写句子,句意不变 You should eat nothing.You [ ]eat [ ]. I gave him a few lessons and he was able to soon swim.请问这句话对吗 Soon i hope to be able to dive into the pool and swim u-----. 为什么tsunami(海啸)的英标[ tsu'nɑ:mi ]中有[t],但是不发音呢?我是在爱词霸 http://www.iciba.com/tsunami/ 中听发音的应该不是发音错误的原因.是不是用什么英语发音规则导致的啊?谢谢 3.she should eat something hot.否定句