
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 17:19:31
they will remain in their former job,but will offered the comparable sum of salary.其中的comparable sum of 该怎样翻译? 与He's thinking about how he can finish it.意思相同的或相近的句子. The man was found____________(die)on the ground the next day.Look!The doctor is saving the__________(die)man. (),there won't be so many people in the UK in October ,that is the good time to go there.(分不清A,B)A.The best of all B.Best of all C.Better of allBritish people usually ()the first time they meet.A.say"hi" B.give a hug C.shake hands 对比是写作手法还是修辞手法 你对木兰从军一事是如何评价的 怎样写生动有趣的presentation开头需要做一个英语presentation,不知道怎样写一个好的开头,要有趣吸引人一点的,不要老套的today i would like to introduce. He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet. 他搬起石头砸了自己的脚.only 如何译? 请高手进来指点我写这个PRESENTATION题目是:studemts often learn in different ways.compare and contrast the different ways of learning in two countries,请给我点IDEAS,最好不要写中国与另外一个国家的对比background to th He lifted the big stone without (困难)He lifted the big stone without ( ) (困难)括号里填什么 she had the crying baby ___down.A.calm B.to calm C.quiet D.silent 设数列{an}的前n项和为Sn.已知b *an-2^n=(b-1)Sn 求an的通项公式,最好用构造法做,不用也没关系. 英语翻译我的名字叫孙禹,能不能用名字里面的字意?或者就用个中天的谐音,简洁点的有一定的向上意义的词或者跟广告有关点的词,我觉得这样就挺好的!狄秋一朋友的见解我比较赞同 求“深圳市方圆中天工艺制品厂”英文翻译 物质是不会消失的,它是将存在的一种形式转变成另一种形式.这句话对吗? 英语翻译 a(n+1)=(-an-2)/(2an+3)如何构造新数列急用 数列an中a1=0,an+1=2an+2的n次方,求an(用构造法) 《别等我落泪了你才知道我的伤悲,别等我消失了你才知道我的存在》对应的句子是什么? 习惯了存在,即使是我推开你,悄然地消失也有窒息的痛. Why didn't you give a hand to the boy I _______,but he struggled to his feet befor I tried to.为什么填 I would like to have? 求一篇写国庆60周年的文章,内容不限,体裁不限,字数不限.大伙帮帮忙了,这段时间实在是忙,没精力没时间分身乏术了.强烈支持原创,将高分奉上... why didn't you help the litter boy?oh,sorry.he had struggleed to his feet_____i ran over.a.be...why didn't you help the litter boy?oh,sorry.he had struggleed to his feet_____i ran over.a.before b.after c.until d.since选什么?为什么?谢 求一篇六十周年国庆的文章!文章内容主要包括阅兵的情景!描写得生动,让人读了有身临其境的感觉!有七八百字就可以了 You can say"He went there _____,not _____".A.on the car;by car B.on foot;in his carC.D.C.by foot;by car D.in his car;by his foot.题目来自《上海中考英语总动员》考点七-介词,可我怎么看都是B,不排除答案错误. The boy could not move because he ____ his feet填什么 各种护肤品的英文我想知道关于护肤品和化妆品的英文说法,例如爽肤水,卸妆水,粉底,遮瑕膏之类的英文要怎么讲 一篇关于“国庆60周年的小论文”偶们素初一滴,不要太长注意咧,素历史滴作业,不素政治滴先谢谢各位学长学姐嘞 请问,“问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来”中“为”念几声?xiexie ``` “为有源头活水来”中的“为”是读wei第几声?我们通常读第二声,但它...“为有源头活水来”中的“为”是读wei第几声?我们通常读第二声,但它是因为的意思,应该读第四声啊,到底是读第几声? Only RT.Only Stone若是连在一起呢OnlyStone,除了仅仅石头外还有别的意思吗,这2个词是不是不能这样放在一起。 设数列{an}的前n项和为Sn,已知Sn=pan+q,a1=2,a3=1/2,求p,q