
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:46:27
帮忙解释一句卡耐基的名言The person who gets the farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare.The sure-thing boat never gets far from shore. 有人可以告诉我Do you like talking to me? A,B,C,D,E talking about their favorite sports.A:Which sports do you guys like best?I like teA,B,C,D,E talking about their favorite sports.A:Which sports do you guys like best?I like tennis a lot,you can play outdoors and have a good exercise.B:I pref kate does her homework every day变否定句 bonus是什么意思 he will be earning only half as much as he used to 中 as.as的第二个as后不是只能加名词么怎么有句 he will be earning only half aas much as he used to为什么不用will earn the price drops to only half as much as it used to.分析成分.好久不碰英语,不会分析成分了. commit oneself to foolish 打点计时器点间距离越来越大的原因可能是______ 在练习使用打点计时器的实验中,有一条打出的纸带从该纸带上能看清的第一个点到第N个点间的距离为S打点计时器所用的交流电源的频率为fHz,则从刚打定第一个点到刚好打第N个点的过程中, why do you always like to paste the sissy guys portraits 玉溪市新平县十里河电站、鱼科河电站、竹箐河电站分别离新平县多远?怎么走?� 蔓箐子是什么 英语翻译 翻译:个人的事就是团队的事,团队的事就是大家的事 搜到Springtomize 2右上角的东西是purchase,点进去之后他会显示Cydia Store Purchase下面还有一段:You must authenticate yourself in order to use this Cydia feature!请问怎么回事啊? You can fetcn your purchase at the store 知道的告诉下谢谢 解方程 1. x²-1分之x²-4x +1  =x+1分之2x2.x+3分之x-2=3-x²-9分之2x²-13注意:第一题4x后面的+1 的那个+1 是单独的+1 不是跟前面的混合而第二题的=后的3- 也是独立的 英语翻译 commit sth.to sb 中的to sb.作什么成分. commit onself to sth 选择题:计算机中传送信息的基本单位是()?a字 b字节 c位 d字块是选c吗 请简述理由 consider making your next car purchase a hybrid vehicle.这个句子里的purchase是名词还非谓语动词. 小学3年级第15课《玩出了名堂》中的名堂的意思 正确见解 名堂是什么意思? 为什么强对流天气的大风比台风的风更大?天气预报总是说台风威力有多强,到是有的台风威力比强对流天气的大风小多了 一道选择题(must be,may be)-Whose notebook is this?-It ______Jane's.It has her name on it.A.must beB.might belong toC.may beD.could be这是我在网上找的一份中考题,它给的答案是C,请问A为什么不可以?C:“可能是Jane的, 一道初二的题:must be 与 may beI'm afraid I______be going.It's too late.A.must B.can C.need.D.may 在本题中,must be 与may be 的区别到底在哪呢?另有类似一题:Who is that boy in a red coat?It ____ Tom.He likes red coat.A.must A 段写祥子意气风发,B 段写样子萎靡不振.请根据小说的内容,说说哪些大事导致祥子“萎靡不振”.(( A )这么大的人,拉上那么美的车,他自己的车,祥子软得颤悠颤悠的,连车把都微微的动弹; 英语翻译 may be must be的区别