
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:18:06
the smiths are going to hainan island for a____ The Smiths are going to Dalian for holidays为什么不用is,这里不是史密斯一家作整体吗? 要12号的,不是11的号哦~感激不尽感激不尽.以后有忙大家一起帮~ 所罗门王 有没有什么经典的词句? “所罗门王:虚空的虚空,虚空的虚空,凡事都是虚空.同上 阿狸所有说过的 经典的句子~ 福尔摩斯说过的经典句子别只发一句给我啦 是福尔摩斯的哦 .. different怎么读?音标? different怎么读呀?音标是什么? different 的音标是什么? 同义转换He is no more a student.he()a student() 刘翔活的有意义吗弃权了?他居然弃权我靠是人吗? I feel bored.的同义句 We didn't feel sick any more.We _________ _______ ________sick.(同义句) 小学同义句转换 I don't feel sick any more =I ( ) feel sick. 世界上珍奇的动物有什么? 急!急!急! 眼镜蛇之王是眼镜王蛇吗 港版iPhone5s能用国行版的插头吗?前些天入手了一部港行的iPhone5s,然后插头是三脚的,得买转换器才能用,出门带着很麻烦.请问,能不能使用国行版的两脚插头? 57.下列蛇类毒液属于混合毒素的是 A.蝰蛇 B.五步蛇 C.眼镜蛇 D.眼镜王蛇 遥控直升机可载重1.2kg的重物吗 jane arrived here earlier than the other two(改成同义句) ane arrived here earlier than the other two(改成同义句)Jane arrived here____ ____ ___ the three girls.是三空! 写他的同意句:Jane arrived here earlier than the other two girls.Jane arrived here__ __the three girls.用这种形式。 Betty arrived here earlier than the other two girlsBetty arrived here____ _______ the three girls 世界上最罕见的动物是什么?要在陆地上的动物 眼镜王蛇为我什么叫眼镜王蛇?是根据什么来给他命名的? 眼镜王蛇是什么? 眼镜王蛇的习性我知道印度耍蛇的都把普通的眼镜蛇驯服的服服帖帖,但却没有人敢真正的挑战毒蛇之王-眼镜王蛇,那么世界还有没有马戏团或者耍蛇人玩过眼镜王蛇的,有没有人看见过?中国 My brother is an actor. He _________ in several films so far. (05浙江卷)A.appears B.appeared C.has appeared D.is appearing请解释,谢谢.. My brother is an (体育明星) My brother is an actor.He ________ in several films so A.appears B.appeared C.has appeared D.is appearing My brother is an actor.He ( ) in several film so far.A.appers B.apperd C.has appearedMy brother is an actor.He ( ) in several film so far.A.appers B.apperd C.has appeared D.is appering