
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 09:14:56
children的中文? mother's child用中文怎么说 children的中文意思 children’sDay 中文 为什么“左”倾打引号 而右倾不打/ 为什么阐述“左”倾错误时“左”字要打引号,而阐述右倾错误时“右”字不打引号?请指教. 已知x>1,求函数y=x-2x+2/2x-2的最小值拜托各位大神 2.She likes _____ (sing) and _____(dance) y=2x+1,x∈Z且|x| He likes ----- and------.A.singing,dance b.singing.dancing c.to sing ,to dance d.sing to danceHow-----Chinese can he speak?-only a little.a.much b.mang c.little d.a little.playing in the park is-----.a.a great fun b.great fun c.a fun d.lot of fun 选用所给词的正确形式完成句子.1.I _ (not go) to bed until my father _(come) back.2.I _ (make) the coffee when the doorbell _(ring).3.Tina _(hardly arrive) home when it _ (begin)to rain.4.As soon as he _(finish) his job,he _ (take) a rest 选用适当词语的正确形式完成句子.1.Nothing is d_ to a man who wills.2.The kind-hearted people h_ violence.3.The Japanese test is too difficult.Only Jerry p_ it.4.I'm poor at m_.5.I'm not a baby.I;m old e to go to school,Mum.6.Put the bas 已知函数y=2x分之3x-1,求当x=1,-1,a-3时的函数值. My sister is _____ interested in music, because she likes singing a lot. A. less B. much C.more空白选什么? ∫(上限x²下限1) x(t-1)dt的导数 用适当形式填空lilyis a school student .she is 12years ---she likes singing v用适当形式填空lily is a school student .she is 12years ---she likes singing very much .every afternoon,she goes to have the ---ciass,because she wants to be a - Father ____ often comes in the night.填什么资源与评价的题 7+7的二次方+7的三次方+7的四次方+……+7的2009次方 已知x小于二分之一则函数y=2x- 2x-1分之1的最大值 当0<x<二分之一时,求函数y=二分之一x(1-2x)的最大值 用所给词语的正确形式完成下面的句子In autumn,( )所给词语:trees,turn,yellow,gold中文意思大概是:在秋天,树变黄了。告诉我gold是金色的意思吗? f(x)具有一阶连续导数 且满足f(x)=1+∫(上限是x下限是0)f(t)/x dt+x,求f(x)表达式 一个高中有点难度的数学题目正四面体ABCD的棱长为1,棱AB//平面M,则正四面体上的所有点在平面M内的射影构成的图形面积的取值范围是___?A; [四分之根号二,二分之一] B:[四分之根号三, Mary often does her homework ( )eight thirty填词 英语题否定句Mary often does her homework in classMary _______ ________ her homework in classThe red bike under the tree is Tony's 对 the red 提问___ bike under the tree __ Tony's? My douyhter often does her homework at night.变为一般疑问句和否定句 2345好压是什么意思,有什么用? “雷”字的用法,“雷人”的解释越多越好 设函数f(x)满足f(2x-1)=4x^2,则f(x)的表达式是 f(2x-3)=4x-5,x∈(2,4】,则函数表达式如题 My grandpa reads newspapers every night.(用last night改写句子) Every weekend I reads some books.翻译翻译