
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 16:39:08
I hope we'll meet again sometime:I hope to see you Let her _____ (help) him. 让我们照看他吧!翻译Let's () () () him. 请问I'm sure that后面接动词是ing形式还是to do形式? 请用band造句band在字典里的意思:a group of people formed because of a common belief or purpose As long as there being confidence,will succeed. Englishtown真的有用吗?真的可以提高英语口语吗? Englishtown对于口语上的帮助提高大吗? 写出与下列诗句意思相近或相关的诗句或俗语 空山不见人,但闻人语响.例:不识庐山真面目 只缘身在此山中 答:当局者迷,旁观者清空山不见人,但闻人语响会当凌绝顶,一览众山小落红不是 空山不见人是出自谁的哪一首诗?告诉我!~ 谢谢啦 呵呵 Englishtown每日英语的内容有人知道是些什么嘛? 有那些关 lie词? lie等词如何区分?有什么lie lied laid lain 等等,怎么区分?好像有的意思是躺着、下蛋,怎么区分啊~(@﹏@)~ 关于LIE这个词的现在分词LIE 这个词的那么多意思,什么位于,说慌,下蛋,躺请问他们的现在分词是什么啊 you lie能拼什么词语? In the Black Hills of North Dakota four famousfaces stareout of the face of granite diff.The faces are those of GeorgeWashington ------------The faces of the four american presidents comprise the Mount Rushmore National Memorial.的翻译是什么呀 古诗词名句,江清月近人 The poor lady had to go out for food ______ a cold morning as time elapse,I gradually forget those painful memories.这句话为什么用as而不用with? 空山不见人 的 题目 和 作者?是啥急急急急急急用 Goodbye I was once deep the youth…这句话什么意思?不要翻译器的答案. Once more I'll say goodbye to you Once more I'll say goodbye to you 这句话的中文意思是什么? once是啥意思 Class was over,but some students continued ______ in the classroom.A.studyB.studiedC.studiesD.studying I hate her _________ noise when I am doing my homework 用annoy的适当形式填(可以是词组,反正能填就填) Do you learn English by(solve) the grammar problems? Once said those promises什么意思 knowing those tests are looming at once can be pretty stressfull looming at I noticed that he had not put down a single word是宾语从句吗》? 〓英语〓一道选择题〓小诺求助〓It is necessary ______ to learn the language in order to communicate with these people.A.thatB.nowC.for themD.to them 〓英语〓一道关于比较级的选择题〓小诺求助〓Some people seem to be better at learning languages than others.They do not seem to be any _____ intelligent than others,but what makes language learning so much easier for them?A.moreB.l 〓英语〓一道关于非谓语动词的选择题〓小诺求助〓She is writing a letter to a friend of her,_________ him to attend the party.A.having invitedB.invitingC.to inviteD.invited该选哪个呢?可以选C么?如果要选C,句子应该