
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 19:19:39
两道题 求过程 张静的个性英文名字该怎样拼? 在线中文名取英文名,张静,最好和我的中文名字谐音,姓氏保留为汉语拼音 It was not____she took off her glasses____I realized she was a famous film star.A.when;that B.until;that C.until;that D.when;then选什么理由 She was ______to be one of the famous film stars.选项: a、thought as b、 thinking c、 thought d、 they thought it was not ___she took off her sunglasses ____i realized she was a famous film stara.when thatb.until tahtc.until when d.when then哪个对,关键是其他3个分别错在哪? It was not__she took off her dark glasses__I realized she was a famous film starA.when;thatB.until;thatCuntil;whenD.when;then顺便问一下这是几年级水平的题目 求详解:1.It was not ___she took off her dark glasses ___ I realized she was a famous film star.求详解:1.It was not ___she took off her dark glasses ___ I realized she was a famous film star.A.when,that B.until,that C.until,when D.when,then 我想取一个跟名字谐音的英文名~但是想不到很好的~- - 中文名字我另外告诉你好不? 帮忙取一个英文名、最好和中文名谐音的.我叫朱亚红,男生 ,要求和中文名字谐音.自己想了几个,觉得难听. 常温奶与巴氏奶那个对身体好?喝什么奶对身体好,要常喝的. 英语选择:-------my astonishment ,the famous film star was once invoved -------theft.A to ; with B in ;in Cto;in D in;with 英文书籍名称只能用名词吗?可以用OUR这样的词吗? 急需asp英文参考书籍名称,作者 出版社 出版时间 广口瓶瓶塞为什么不可以随意调换... 英语的电影观后感怎么写啊? He is a f______ movie star. His mother is like a famous movie star 改同义句转换Hos mother ____ ____ a famous movie star Jackie Chan is a famous Chinese movie star in the I'd like a egg and some milk.句子中有一处错误请找出 I'd like (an egg and some bresd)对括号部分提问 I would likean egg and some 英语翻译1 这两条路经常会堵车 ,非常糟糕2 我们被堵在路上已经3小时了英语翻译 英语翻译1 晚上的时候,路上总是堵车很严重2 这些手套 / 这两双手套 总共多少钱?3 这些手套 / 这两双手套 总共 60 元 4 员工都提前下班回家了,因为马上就是春节了.5 没有其他人的帮助,他坚持 英语翻译 英语翻译AlarmEbookfilelistvvsptJava appmemoMexMexSysMocor_storev31mxpMy MusicOthersPhotosvCalendarvCardVideo i have some (tomato) ,two (potato)and three(photo) 让我意想不到的事发生了用英语怎么翻译? 上课铃刚响,突然发生了一件意想不到的事情·······填事情是什么 we can see some pictures ____ some famous movie stars who is your favourite film star?can you describe her or him?why do like her or him?我是大一新生 我们大学英语要口试 要求每个问题 怎么办啊 我英语不好 英语翻译Ekeberg [1] discovered tantalum 200 years ago in theform of oxide.However,the discovery and investigation ofthe properties of potassium heptafluorotantalate (K2TaF7)wastherealbeginningoftantalumchemistryandproductiondevelopment [2].Tantal