
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:58:05
I don't wanna lose you and I will always love you 是哪首歌里的? (1),(2),(3), 已知当x=2时,y有最小值3,且过点(1,5)求函数解析式, 一个数,如果它的小数部分扩大4倍,这个数变为3.6;如果把它的小数部分扩大7倍,这个数变为4.05,问:原...一个数,如果它的小数部分扩大4倍,这个数变为3.6;如果把它的小数部分扩大7倍,这个数 一个三位小数按四舍五入法求出它的近似数是7.6,这个三位小数可能是多少? I'm afraid I will love you 求解第二题和第三题的过程!送好评啊亲! 已知正数X,Y满足2X-Y〈=0,X-3Y+5〉=0,则Z=(1/4)^X(1/2)^Y的最小值2x-y 已知正数x,y满足2x+3y=4,求2/x+1/y的最小值,并求此时相应的x,y的值 设x+y+z=1,则F=2x^2+3y^2+z^2的最小值? 已知x,y∈(0,+∞),且2x+3y=3,求1/2x+1+1/y+2的最小值求1/(2x+1)+1/(y+2)的最小值 每步都要写出来 Private Function p1(x As Integer,y As Integer,z As Integer)p1 = 2 * x + y + 3 * zEnd FunctionPrivate Function p2(x As Integer,y As Integer,z As Integer)p2 = p1(z,y,x) + xEnd FunctionPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim a As IntegerDim b As IntegerDim c As 每步后面跟原因 l love you i will always love you and i want marry with you 答的好给好评. I'm afraid not you don't love me.But they are afraid of you are not happy, 翻译中文 I afraid lose your love,Refuse sad. f(x)=sin(x+a)+√3cos(x-a)为偶函数,求a的值 81除以90= (答案为百分数)本人才学. 81除以90= (求百分数)要教下. girl in your dream(m2m) 歌词中英文对照 girl in your dream谁能给个下在地址?最好MP3的...找了半天找不到 If in your dream the girl is from Chinese?翻译 若lgx+lgy=2,1/x+1/y的最小值是 请用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空1、Liu Mei can speak English very well .Her( )(pronounce)is very good.2、You should practice ( )(play)the piano every day before the competition.3、You can talk with foreigners often to pract 用括号内单词的适当形式填空1.________________ (Lily) father is at home.2.Those ________________ (man) bikes are under the tree.3.Is this ________________(he) pencil?4.The ________________(map) on the wall are Chinese.5.___ 用括号内所给的单词的适当形式填空1.what about the new CD ___(play)?2.I have to ___(do) lots of things every day3.we have to wear ___(uniform) at school every day4.Please ___(arrive) at school on time 5.do we have to ___(clean) the room 英语译成中文(书长71)A doctor once told me,"With the right medicine,a cold will last for seven days."(这里的 With 如何译?)劳驾! 英语译成中文(书长70)Tom grows the nices vegetables, fruits and the most beautiful flowers in the village.Plants grow in Tom's garden all throug the year and they are much better. Tom plants things in spring,summer,auturnn and winter.Afte 英语译成中文(书长31)Sending short written messages is popular way to use your mobile phone.Many people use short forms of words,so the messages are quick to write and read.Can you guess what these messages mean?Try reading them out.What d 翻译、、l love you