
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:13:31
People eat in different things parts of the world(以这句话开头的短文谁知道?) People in different countries and p_____ of the would eat different kinds of t___. people eat ____ things in different parts of the world A difference B different C same D one 翻译People eat different things difficult parts of the world.速度!在线等,明早交作业 People in different 1._______ like to eat different food.2._______ kind of food do people would like 3.________?For example 4._______,fried potatoes chips are very 5._______ in the UK.Sometimes people cook them 6._______ home,but they usually go to a 等比等差中常见的递推公式及通项公式 英语单词的作品怎么拼读 job 翻译中文 To find a new job 翻译中文 英语翻译Offspring - Why Don't You Get A Job?My friend's got a girlfriendand he hates that bitchHe tells me every dayHe says "man I really gotta lose my chicIn the worst kind of way"She sits on her asHe works his hands to the boneTo give her money 名著里摘抄的好词好句!(短一点) 著作中的美句摘抄(100字以上)多几句 名著摘抄200字至少10篇 要写清楚作者选自 别太多或太少大概150字到300字 英语名著简写本好句摘抄 需要30句外国名著越出名越好最好是同一本名著里面的哦~ 英语翻译具体些.最好逐句. 英语翻译是twilight上的一首歌! 英语翻译the United States of America - 美利坚合众国为什么翻译成“美利坚”呢?为什么要用“美”?我们为什么要认为America“美”?光在翻译上就崇洋媚外了?人家日本是翻译成“米国”的我问的就 American Family翻译一下In the United States, most families have two or three children, and there are also even larger families. lPw\2%ErG Certainly, children live together with their parents. But when the children have families, they will move 英语翻译全新版大学英语翻译 Many people think zoos are good for b___ animals and people.But I am afraid these people may ignore about how the animals in zoo f___.And sometimes peop;e even pull out some fierce animals' t___ because people don't want to be attacked.And peop;e t__ Some people think that all wild(野生的)animals are dangerous.As a matter of fact,very 1 them will attack(攻击)a man if he 2 them alone.If you met a lion or an elephant,I suppose(假设)you would 3 ,but even a lion will avoid(避免 你干得好的英语翻译?不是good job, 工作邮箱的英文翻译 用 JOB 还是 WORk 英语翻译要写一个一百字左右的小英语短文.关于找工作的时候都要考虑什么条件,比如薪资待遇,发展空间,工作的挑战性和成就感什么的.最好写成小短文,不行的话给一些关键词短语什么的也 英语翻译 英语翻译最受欢迎的书是幽默的书.提示词语是humour 英语翻译1.Walking with a frend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.2.Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.Don't walk behind me; I may non lead.Just walk beside me and be my friend.3.The early bird caches the worm.4.When t 英语翻译1、I am feeling under the weather today.2、How is the weathere in Melbourn now?It is hot enough to melt hell. 说的让四年级的人能听懂了甲乙两桶油共重24千克第一次从甲桶里倒出与乙桶同样多的油放入乙桶,第二次从乙桶里到处与甲桶同样多的油放入甲桶,这时两桶内的油同样多,问甲乙两桶油 3 × 4 = 12 是表示三个四相加,还是表示四个三相加? 小学8×8表示8个8相加,2个8相乘这样对吗? 八分之五米是一米的几分之几