
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:34:45
If Bob’s wife won’t agree to sign the paper,____________.A.neither he will B.neither won’t he C.neither will he D.he won’t neither 英语词性转换:Our English teacher sometimes helps us ___.(individual) Sometimes Peter ______ school so early because he helps his classmates with their English提示:.(not leave) the student studies hard,but sometimes he haue had trouble with english我想知道这里为什么用have had He often helps the students _______ he thinks are not so good at English A who Bwhom Cwhose Dthey. "first one If you answer is Fe(CO)x表示羰基铁的化学式,为什么x=5 In fact,I really love you this word 这句话有没有语法错误,还有. 英语翻译just for your information,please note that,CREE ‘s supply chain program is on-hold now,the order placement is based on back to back order. 英语翻译翻译成中文 In fact,I was really in love with you这句话翻译成中文是什么意思 I have a dog with a good nose.It can help me look for things. Don't turn your nose up at others.翻译着些句子,我给100分还有1:he wanted to have a computer His father bought one on the nose. one和ones的区别? First和one的区别Her twenty-first birthday is in 1999.first可以换成one吗? I have a bad cold ,stuffy nose,difficulty in breathing .waht to quickly turn good. 中国历史上的爵位划分与欧洲是一样的吗 西方或世界上的历史学术界的主流思想把历史划分为哪几个阶段?中国的历史学术界的主流思想把历史划分为原始社会,奴隶社会,封建社会,资本主义社会,社会主义社会这几个阶段,那么,西方或 When I was six years old, we met the first time.这句话表达的对的错的? hey, guys be polite, ok?such a jerk~! 翻译成中文是? In fact,I really love you but you don't 的汉语意思 You are such a jerk.What a bunch of headaches!翻译中文 关于清朝末年的历史 谁能帮我讲述一下清朝末年的历史发展?大约四 五百字左右 结合所学你认为秦灭六国,实现统一的有利条件有哪些?秦朝一统有怎样的历史意义? 清朝末年的历史这几天看到一些关于左宗棠、李鸿章、曾国藩等人的介绍,很想多了解清末的详细情况,但没有时间去详细看《清史稿》之类的史书,而且这类书比较艰涩枯燥,不是很愿意去看. 历史上有没有六国分秦的史实啊 清朝末年到现在有多少年了?从清朝末年到2009年有多少年 水泵的排水能力是什么意思 北京的十三陵可以用什么词来形容 用英语写春游作文 题为spring outing 不要有不认识的单词 有一点没事 不要讲大道理...80单词急用呀 好的再加分.....,明天急用啊.... 1、Is this factory ( )you visited the other day?A、the one B、that2、The professor has written another book,( )of great importantce to computer science.A、which I think it is B、which i think is