
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 10:49:01
I am not like vegetables中是哪里错了 用训诫、耸立、迂回、凝视、啜泣、纳罕、瘦骨嶙峋、心惊肉跳、头晕目眩、小心翼翼、连词成段 cut是什么意思? cut的意思 cut 啥意思? Cut什么意思? CUT是什么意思啊? 谁能用耸立、凝视、啜泣、瘦骨嶙峋、小心翼翼写一段话 so fuck ,fuck shit,fuck 3Q 一个英语问题:The policeman told the boy_____the road when the light was blue.选项:A.to cross B.to not cross C.across D.not to cross另外,可以通过还是不能过? The car was running _____ (smooth) on the road I failed _____(connect) my computer A policeman saw the car ___ when he was watching the trafficA.pass B.to pass C.passes D.passing 我记得有一个see ===doing什么来着 The policeman helped the old woman ________ the road.A.above B.across C.through D.over the pretty girl_______is my good friend a、 whom i had a talk with b、 which i had a talk withc、who i had a talkd、whom i had a walk 男人唱的一首英文歌中间有段it‘s 球类很不记得了.高潮部分就好像是 it’s 球类.英文发音的, 各位网友给我推荐一些好听的英文歌曲要有节奏的,但不能太太太强烈了,像blue的一首老歌one love就是我喜欢类型 求英语翻译:“我们想知道是否执行计划对干预效果的影响.” 英文意思怎么说 英语翻译 ‘你需要多加练习讲这个英语故事’的英文句子是什么意思 When he saw the little boy watching his car ,he asked him for a ___ in the carA ride B seat C walk D lift he asked me to get on his car when i was walking in the street(改为同义句)he gave me ( ) ( )when i was walking in the street 英语阅读题:全对100分阅读理解(十九)There are forty-two students in our class. There are also two American boys. They are Jack and Mike. They are our good friends. They like watching TV, but they don’t like playing basket-ball .Th 我们五年级语文书的第四单元综合实践活动查找汉字的起源和来历, 一道六年级英语的连词成句sisters,brothers,you,any,or,got,have (?) the most interesting的中文是不是最有趣的请问为什么interesting要加ing是因为有“的”吗? the man who talk with you is my teacher就等于the man talking with you is my teacher吗? 急用 Mr.xxx is the man _______ called to talk with you last night.(选项见下)A.who B.whom C.which 用序组词 “序'组6个词 I have( English at 3:00 in the afternoon.)就划线部分提问 Is that your uncle.(两种回答)I like to read books in the evening.(用He代替I改写成一般疑问句)I have my pencil case in my bag.(改写成否定句) What ________ your uncle have?He________ a newspaper.原题:——What ________ your uncle have?—— He________ a newspaper.A.do,haveB.do,hasC.does,have D.does,has