
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 23:15:22
请输入第二组坐标对应的2位数字?怎么输入? 张闽倒满一杯纯牛奶 第一次喝了张闽倒满一杯纯牛奶,第一次喝了3分之1,再用开水加满并搅匀,第二次又喝了3分,第三次再喝了3分之1.1.第三次喝了一杯纯牛奶的几分之几?2.三次共喝了一杯纯牛 密保卡坐标是G7 B3 F3的对应数字是什么 as per requested是什么意思 丙肝基因型是1 ,基因亚型是1b好治吗 需要治疗多长时间 关于as...as用法的问题Luis isn't as old as Jiao.What does this mean?a.Luis is older than Jiao.b.Jiao is older than Luis.c.Jiao isn't as old as Luis...为什么老师说答案是b而不是c呢... She is short,so she sits the to front of the front of the back of 关于"as "的用法,.1.don't sleep as you as you want .我想问下里面那个“as .as ..."的用法.最好有例句.我想学习.2.the dove exists many years.我想问下里面的“many years "是做 exists 如果不是,那是”many years 这个数分别与3和7相乘,所得的和是7350,这个数是多少 37与( )相乘的积能被3和5整除?41与( )相乘的积能被2和3和5同时整除?我妹这题不会做, 小学二年级下册课文 的课文内容 谁帮忙找下谢谢! 37*89的3和8相乘的积是多少 二年级课文《风》的作者是谁 “这个春节我过得十分愉快!”英文怎么说?急. (x2-2x)(x2-2x-3)急用,求计算 “春节过的快乐”用英语怎么写 “春节过的快乐”用英语咋写 -x2+2x+1,这个函数怎么解,能用十字相乘吗 autumn是什么意思 为什么100摄氏度的水蒸气比100摄氏度的沸水更容易伤害人 she was so full of the wish for the things like that she couldn't dear to look at it 请分析此句 印度洋 大西洋哪个离英国近 英国的四月是什么季节?(大西洋) 60.We must find out the ___________ cause of the accident.A.mystical B.mysterious C.mystified60.We must find out the ___________ cause of the accident.A.mysticalB.mysteriousC.mystifiedD.mystery He is German(改为复数形式) We must report the accident to the safety officer(改为一般疑问句) 初中英语阅读题:Zheng He,the Columbus of the East,was an amazing man.He was born in 1371 and,11 years later,was caught by the army of a rich young man called Zhu Di and made to work for him.Over time the rich man saw that Zheng He was very cl 英国为什么能够成为大西洋的航运中心?1.圈地运动 2.新航路的开辟 3.工业革命 脑残用英文怎么说? 怎样给老外客户打电话?需要英文版的客户是国外的的说了这两天要来中国,但是一直没联系,平时我们都是MSN的,我想打个电话询问下是否已经到达中国.请问应该注意什么?最好有英文版的,本人 Which great man writes a book about fighting battles in chinese history? 脑残的英文怎么写 一条钢丝剪去2米后,还剩下全长的五分之三,这条钢丝全长()米