
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:20:25
如何提高日常生活英语口语?怎样练习比较好呢? 爱莲说 从作者对莲花的喜爱中,你看到了作者怎样的追求? 爱莲说象征意义是什么 2.简要说说莲的形象的象征意义 3.《爱莲说》是怎样描写莲花形象的?寄托了作者这样的志趣? 哪里能找到介绍李娜的英文资料? 李娜的简介和重大事件 用英文回 我爱李娜的英文怎么写 Tom found a job at a job ____(交易会) Tom found a job in a school.he was a teather Tom found ()()()()() in a school Tom found himself in a dificult ____financially after he gave up the jobAcondition Bposition Cstandard Dsituation 为什么是C啊 谁和你一起去?in English 日常生活英语口语都包含哪些,想学? 状语是修饰什么的?是修饰宾语?谓语?还是什么?最好有例句!thanks We can change and feel alright是什么歌 We can change and feel alright David was so careless that he didn't find the mistakes in his test paper.(改为简单句) Davide was so careless that he did not find the mistakea in his test paper .(改为同义句 Tom was so careless that he f____ off the bike. davide was so careless that he did not find the mistakea in his test paper . Tom was so careless that he often .the examA.make mistake of B.makes mistakes inC.made mistakes in D.made mistakes of 我知道答案是C但不是有often了吗为什么还用 made? 保护环境的英语作文,保护措施有1不乱扔垃圾2植树造林3保护海洋禁止过渡扑鱼100词 快啊保护环境的英语作文,保护措施有1不乱扔垃圾2植树造林3保护海洋禁止过渡扑鱼100词 快啊 求关于空气污染与人类健康的讨论会的英语作文.要点1减少工厂污染气体排放 2植树造林 3采用环保交通...求关于空气污染与人类健康的讨论会的英语作文.要点1减少工厂污染气体排放 2植树造 日常生活英语口语的方法有哪些? 爱莲说中,淤泥和青莲是写莲花的什么? 爱莲说的作者为了表达自己的洁身自好,甚赞莲花的高洁,却贬抑了污泥的价值.请你换个角度,赞扬一下污泥 爱莲说中莲之出淤泥而不染与周敦颐传相映证的是什么 英语连词成句:it,is,without,for,you,to,get,success,impossible,working,hard It is hard to relate the result to its cause是什么意 it is hard to imagine how people will get through the winter without electricity 如何翻译? 这是什么句式? 分析一下句子结构! 谢谢!什么是 复合句???it is hard to do sth 什么意思 He found he was back ____ he had been 说明理由 he was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle had been found 中的had been found用了什么语法?如果是过去完成时 为什么要加been 状语就是修饰限定谓语动词的成分.可以这么说吗?