
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:13:13
在虚拟语气的从句谓语中出现 were,should,had 时,可以省略if,同时把这个词放到句首,形成倒装.而had是实意动词 时也可以提前吗 是否规定had的词性 例had I any money with me,I could lend you some对吗, 想问各位前辈有关主语从句在虚拟语气里的应用 各位有没有英语听力入门的音频 是外研社出版的 可以发送的我的邮箱 582244671@126.com 可以发给我新目标版英语八年级下册听力吗?我的邮箱piaoranyixan@126.com谢谢! 虚拟语气were to的用法If we were to add another row to this table,it would have an identifier of 4.were to在虚拟语气中不是应该表示不大可能发生的事吗,在这里我感觉应该不用虚拟语气啊! 英语翻译This Habermasian notion of "rational communication" in the public sphere is often misconceived as the disinterested,impartial exchange of ideas by citizens who,at least during the time of debate,undertake to suspend their private interest 英语翻译机动车辆交通事故强制责任保险(交强险)自2006年7月1日颁布实施,有利有弊,承保被保险人对第三者造成的损失,最突出的特点是保障低,无责赔付.但是它存在的弊端也是不容忽视的, 英语翻译“我们所指的是0.03元/Pcs,其中0.015元包括了人工成本,设备折旧,厂房的租金等等,CM 50%,得出结果是0.03元/ Pcs”. 关于最美司机的英语作文适合初三的 80词左右 救急!英语作文:80词左右,内容:你邀请外国朋友吃饭应该怎么办,你到别人家吃饭应注意些什么(偏向于餐桌礼仪) 英语强的进来下..Some might say,love is like,fairytaleBut I say,love can be hurtful stillCos we are,all human,we all make mistakes and never regretwe know we won't be together is just a matter of timeJust a matter of timeWe never speak with all 英语强的进来以前写的一些东西 把我翻译下 因为我想它做成歌 有两首翻译要潇洒点 有歌词的感觉 也不要太复杂.(其中中文的翻译成英文)1准备好了没有 今天晚上去party会有很多的女郎什 英语较强的进来下 英语翻译在中外合作的学校一门课没过,老外叫我给他发一份Request的邮件。意思:1.因为皮肤病原因导致Produce job costing 没过,请求他改卷松点让我通过这次重修考试。2.我就这一科没过,要 英语翻译本人英语很烂,急切想知道这首歌歌词的中文意思.《悲伤的恋歌》里面那首《LOVE》啊.L is for the way you look at me O is for the only one I see V is very very extraordinary E is even more than anyone than you a I think these are ( ) books.A:his B:he C:they D:she’s 选啥?翻译这句话 1.They think she is wrong,_____ _____(变反意疑问句)2.My mother ate nothing this morning,______ _______(变反意疑问句) They think they are scary改为单数句子 中国的四大发明是哪四大发明? 中国古代四大发明是什么 中国的四大发明是什么? Can you show ______(they) your beautiful paintings?I think it is________(boring)idea of all. a,movie,but,it's,successful,Happy,I,boring,think,is(,)(.)如何连词成句? 连词成句:1.a,mivie,but,it's,successful,Happy,I,boring,think,is(,)(.) 2.of,at,stay,look,home,picture,Beijing Opera,I,andThat film is very scary.对划线部分(very scary)提问 i think it boring 和 i think it is boring 都对吗 I think it is not anything is possible是什么意思? 拿出用英文翻译 Are you nuts?啥意思?Pizza Guy:So you guys want me to take this back?Monica:Are you nuts?“Are you nuts?”啥意思? Aww Nuts, Are You Nuts?是什么意思? They think that we will win so ,______?A do they B don't they C will we D won't 假设你是李华,请你用英语写一封信,向你美国的笔友peter简单介绍有关兵乒球运动在中国的开展情况求15分钟之内完成 Are you nuts?对女生说的