
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 03:49:33
沛纳海手表 有香港沛纳海专卖的发票,但是表带带久了竟然被磨破皮,而且以前曾经摔到地板上面,表蒙碎了,能否鉴别一下,确定一下型号 英语翻译 求翻译成英文,在线等激发极化法,简称激电法,是以地下岩、矿石在人工电场作用下发生的物理和电化学效应(激发极化效应)差异为基础的一种电法勘探方法.其可以分为时间域激电法和频率 沛纳海手表是用的什么机芯? 仓库里有甲乙两种货物共540吨,甲种货物运走1/5吨后,剩下的甲种货物正好和乙种货物相等,仓库里原有乙种货物多少吨? love 和 loves用法有什么不同 please right down the word哪里错了 it's wrong to ____deal people A.look after B.look forward to C.look for D.look down on They sit down ( )their desksA at.B in.C on.D to Many people hurt their backs when they try to lift heavy things from the floor翻译成中文 captain charles alison是什么意思 Love someone not because they give you what you need.Love them because they give you feelings you never thought you needed there are someone love you jast like me. To pretend do not love I pretend you do not care I pretend to loss of rt logo怎么画实心图形 I think watching English films is a great way to learn English.(改为否定句)I __________ think watching English films _____ a great way to learn English. Ii's a great way to learn English[to study] grammar上面那句话可不可以把to study 改成by studying?帮帮忙啦↖(^ω^)↗ Don't play soccer on the street.(做否定回答) ( ),( )( )do it again. You'd better ____(try)____(not be) late again. 雨越下越大,我透过玻璃向窗外望去,天地间像【 】迷迷蒙蒙的一片 The children ()(play)games upstairs so noisily last night that I couldn’t fall asleep 动词填空 He 一(notdo) his homework last night,he一 ( play) computer games ti amo te quiero sa la he and i love you 韩国一男一女合唱,歌里男的是戴墨镜的,歌词好像是有Te Quiero Sa la he I Love You 的到了後面还有句貌似是中文的我爱你 窗外雨潺潺下一句是什么 初三英语第12题,on the way ,by the way,in this way选哪个? 许多城市都有一个具有代表意义的别名,例如:洛阳以牡丹著称,所以又名“牡丹城”.下面是几个城市的别名,你能说出它们是哪几个城市吗?羊城——()太阳城——()石头城——()泉城 "别名" 用英语怎么说? I am going to play games in the evening 就划线部分提问in the evening 是画线部分 sa lang hei you i love you 谁能给翻译意思啊.sa lang hei you i love you 英文中alpha bravo 之后是什么?