
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 12:06:39
跟乒乓有关的成语 乒乓的成语 用e表示元电荷,则一个质子所带电荷量是多少e 一个电子所带的电荷量是多少e? 乒乓是一个什么成语 穿过一个电阻为2欧姆的闭合线缺的磁通量每秒均匀增大8Wb,则线圈中感应电流和感应电动势有变化么?若有,则写出怎么变化. 三根互相平行的通电长直导线放在等边三角形的三个顶点上,右图为其截面图,电流方向如图所示.若每根导线的电流均为I,每根直导线单独存在时,在三角形中心O点产生的磁感应强度大小都是B, 1、质量为m的物体放在水平面上,在水平外力F的作用下由静止开始运动,经时间t撤去该力,若物体与水平面间的动摩擦因数为μ,则物体在水平面上一共运动的时间为_______________.正确答案是Ft/umg. were the films on the ground just now?答句 The films were on the ground just now对划线部分提问、画线:on the ground ___ ___the films __ ___ 1.the films were on the ground.改为否定句.2.my earphones were on the sofa just now.改为一般疑问3.was your diary on the desk this morning?作否定回答.4.the bear was (under the pear tree)over there.对括号部分提问 高一英语求学我以前对于英语属于完全不会的状态,甚至狠多有音标的单词都不会,还有在句子里经常看见the/to/do什么的,就算句子里单词都会也翻译错误!我已经无解了…求与我有同样经历的成 《紫藤萝瀑布》习题::“我”的感情是怎样变化的 做梦梦到我和一条大蛇搏斗,啥意思? -------You don’t need to stay late at school,right? 求.服装店英文名.以V和S字母开头的服装店短语,S和V开头的也可以.有好的意见我感激不尽. 温带,一些树木到秋天树叶变红,从生物学角度看有什么意义? 英语翻译我喜欢这首歌的原因是,这首歌是我的男朋友去年送给我的,虽然我们两个人现在还不能在一起,但是每当我听到这首歌就感到很温暖,似乎他一直在我身边.其中我最喜欢的歌词是. singer,the,ie,a,long,famous,this,taking,summer,vacation(连词成句) I just feel tired ,so i come here . I feel so tired,I don't knoe why 写一幅对联歌颂伟大的中国共产党 1.David waches TV in the evening.否定句、一般疑问句并做肯定回答.对in the evening提问2.I do my homework every day.否定句,一般疑问句否定回答.对do my homework提问.3.She is a worker否定句,一般疑问句,对 a worker i don't knoe what i feel anymore什么意思? ()面而() 填成语 成语:什么面什么容 用笑、识、面、途、马、面、容、老组成成语 高一英语单选题________ friends Betty had made there were all invited to her birthday party.A.Few of B.Few C.The few D.A few 需要分析句子成分,there 和 were 是否是There be 句型? 【高一英语】【单选题】_____________________be sent to work there?A.Who do you suggestB.Who do you suggest that shouldC.Do you suggest who shouldD.Do you suggest whom should【要解释(越详细越好)】 几道高一英语单选题The population in some parts of the world has___doubled in the past ten years.a.more than b.as many as c.larger than d.so much as但人口应该用large修饰,我觉得选c,为什么选aHe is very tired working all day.Don' all the cash crop —— before we placed an order.A.is exported B.has been exportedC.will be exported D.has been exported和关于这方面的知识点,感觉很多单选都是这样的好多“has been had been”不懂D是had been exported 高一英语单选题……在线等……看上图 Stand by you 歌词那位亲有中文歌词?像千千静听的那种歌词形式中文的有的话,