
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 16:37:36
英语对一个包裹提问用what is还是what are?what is in it?what are in it?what is in it?和 what is this in it?有区别吗what are in it?和 what are they in it?有区别吗 boat的中文 boat是什么意思 维护中华民族大团结的根本大法是A宪法 B刑法 C民族区域自治法 D民法 征文:有关体现爱我中华,自觉维护、努力促进中华民族大团结.既可以结合重大事件,也可以从身边的事例说内容应体现爱我中华,自觉维护、努力促进中华民族大团结,既可以结合重大事件,也 求翻译:The quality in inferior,but u might be lucky to get factory rejects but not likely. 결혼하고 싶은 여자是啥意思?想问下결혼하고 싶은 여자 남자 是什么意思! 나쁜 여자什么意思 铜的精炼是不是阴极纯铜析出铜,成为高纯度铜? how can l make the little baby stop c ______ 粗铜精炼时,与电源负极相连的是纯铜,电极反应式 interesting,的定冠词是a还是an 马说中 作者的人才观中什么 你对这种人才观是怎样看 在当今社会如何看待伯乐的作用?该树立怎样的人才观?着急用,请全面点, 英语翻译臣闻地广者粟多,国大者人众,兵强则士勇.是以泰山不让土壤,故能成其大;河海不择细流,故能就其深;王者不却众庶,故能明其德.是以地无四方,民无异国,四时充美,鬼神降福,此五帝 求一篇“领导树立正确人才观的意义”的论文, 10.What worried me most was _____ to go abroad alone.A.my not allowing B.having not allowedC.my being not allowed D.my not being allowed [-B46] What worried me most was _______ to go abroad alone.A.my not allowing B.having not allowedC.my not being allowedD.my being not alllowed翻译并分析答案C what worried me most was my not being allowed to go abroad alone.my not being allowed to go abroad alone,如何分析. 首字母:1.here is an interesting a____named "jump for the record 填空:1,.here is an interesting a tory__ doing housework2.we all went to the cinema and __the movie very much 3.we went__ of the cinema,dot into our car and my father began driving here is ( )interesting family photo.A,a B,an C,/ D,the Here is an instteresting a ____named"Jump for the Record" pb相对分子质量 【海纳百川 有容乃大】同义句是什么?最好也是古文的,或者【海纳】的同义词也行 海纳百川有容乃大,壁立千仞无欲则刚.翻译这句话的意思 高分子化学中的pb指什么 vba问题,我要for each a in range(h1:h列第一个非空单元格要怎么表示?回答正确必采纳! 英语初三连词成句 注意标点 they how children do have many(.) birds me look these let after sick (.)he old himself enough dress is to (.)what do I have for sorry you am (?) 英语连词成句 英语连词成句(初三),work,he,doesn't,will,day,and,dreams,that,he,win,lottery,the,all