
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 18:59:14
息去掉部首加什么部首 我怎样加偏旁 ———your classes begin at 7:30?A Are B Does C Do 1.After being treated for years,she recovered from her illness as well as _______.A.expected B.expecting C to be expected D being expected 2.________in time,I was able to clean the room and wait for the arrival of my friendsA.Inform B Informing C To 1.The major said that the plan would be by no means _____being carried out next year.A prevented B stopped C kept D forbidden2.The driver started to speed up _____for the hours he had lost in the traffic jam.A keep up B take up C make up D catch up3. A={X\X是锐角三角形}B={X\X是钝角三角形}求A交B I begin the classes at 8.0 a.m.这句话我写在英语卷上的,别人都说是classes begin 这个是错的,我也这么觉得,给我个正确答案行不? The match between two classes ______(begin)soon.I have already seen the film,so I ________(not go)to see it again. you play the CDs a little ______(loud) 静时常思自己过,闲时莫论他人非 .下面的诗句是什么 静时常思己过 静座长思已过 闲谈莫论人非 闲时莫沦人非,静时常思己过, 静时常思己过,闲谈莫论人非的道理 人闲桂花落中闲是什么意思? 这里的where是什么成分?能不能换成that?This is one case where even people bothered by creating a child under the lens of a microscope might not see cloning as the worst option. 别人说我很圣什么含义 这是什么从句?填that 还是where?It was in the lab ( )was in the charge of Professor Jone ( )the experiment was carried out.A that ;that B where;thatC that :where为什么呢?这是什么从句? 谁能给我解释一下这两个where和that引导的从句I like the park where there is a big lake改成I like the park because there is a big lake对吗This is the park that I usually go to改成This is the park I usually go to that对嘛 理解句子即使他能砍去所有人的手臂,也无法砍去这个字母代表的信念 可歌可泣———家喻户晓------迥乎不同------锲而不舍------不是连在一起。一个一个造句 一个词 70个字。 不少于70字的造句.就一个 义愤填膺造句不少于70字你他女马的不少于70字 拗的造句需要70个字急需 against的同义词是什么 HOW DO YOU DO!HAPPY NEW YEAR!VERY PLEASED TO MEET very much修饰动词very much 可以放在动词后面,前面都可以吗,i very much regret.或i regret very much,那放thank 前后也都可以吗? 作为副词,very和very much 有什么区别?如题. 用唇枪舌剑和宽容大度造句 ( )her to be better soon A.wish B.hope C.like D.thinkwhy? 7.I'm very pleased _____ what I'm having done at the moment.A.toB.forC.withD.of满分:4 分 You did an e____job,and I'm very pleased wih you 因式分解 第(8)